Nov 17, 2005 21:06
I am trying so hard!! I think my friend *Franklin is a little bi-polar. And, from what I've been told, he says and does a lot of things for attention. The thing is that he's going through what I went through my sophmore year. And he knows and believes that there is a God but he's questioning whether the bible is true or not. He thinks something is missing. He pretty much believes that he doesn't belong on this earth. He's complaining about having bad dreams of him in hell being tortured and he said that it makes his life on earth feel like a dream. I know in my heart that he's not a lost cause. I don't know how to help him. I pray that God helps me help him. Gosh. I am so spiritually drained! Now I know how Brandon Deml felt when God poured through him to me.
Ugh! I just can't give up! Just Pray for me and my friend.
That's all for now.
(*real name not to be reveiled)