This woman makes me sick! Parents are supposed to teach their kids right from wrong, not play into their reindeer games! It's just shocking, you know. I mean, I've had drama in my life, but I've kept my son out of it!
But at least I'm making croutons!
Cut up bread into squares.
Shake up with some garlic power and basil. (I would have added mint, but I'm out.)
Add a mix of olive oil and red wine, and shake again, so their covered. It's kind of tricky to get it so their all covered instead of the oil/wine soaking into one piece, but I trust you all to make that happen.
Put on a cookie sheet and bake at 350F until crispy, stirring once or twice. Takes about 20 minutes.
Hint: If you ever want your kitchen to smell really good and like you can cook, make some of these.