'Cause Girls' Generation Is Good For Everything

Oct 03, 2015 00:01

Title: 'Cause Girls' Generation Is Good For Everything
Rating: PG:15
Genre: comedy & romance thingy
Pairing: Baekhyun/Kyungsoo, slight Luhan/Minseok
Words: 4 000
Summary: Kyungsoo is told to make a history project with Baekhyun. It does ends in ways. And in the other's pants. And for Kyungsoo in a co-ed toilet.
A/N: It's my sweetest cutiepie of a girlfriend birthday and there's nothing like baeksoo to make one smile. c: For theayakochan, please, you're growing wonderfully, just let somebody help you believe that muchly. Warmest hearts, love~ <3



Kyungsoo keeps writing down the teacher's words, looking ahead with no change in his expression.


He yawns and covers his mouth with the back of his hand. Rewatching his tennis anime till almost morning might've not been the best idea, when he knew he would be getting up early for school.

"Kyungsoo! Don't ignore me!"

Kyungsoo snorts. He's had enough and Baekhyun's whispers are getting too loud to be just whispers.

"What!" He turns to the other and glares at him.

Baekhyun blinks and smiles.

Kyungsoo narrows his eyes at the boy. Of course, like always, Baekhyun's got nothing, he's just been annoying Kyungsoo for the sake of it. He's such a dumbass, can't he just shut up and never speak to Kyungsoo again, that assh-

There's a cough that sounds vaguely familiar and worryingly too close. Kyungsoo turns back to the front of the classroom to see the teacher's standing in front of the desk he's sharing with Baekhyun.

Kyungsoo blinks, because he already knows it's not going to end well.

"Kyungsoo, what-" Of course, Baekhyun doesn't seem to have noticed the teacher and might only make everything worse, so Kyungsoo doesn't even look his way as he just slaps Baekhyun's head and the other's got no choice but glance forward.

At the teacher, looking at them two.

Actually, everybody in the classroom seems to be looking at them, some with unimpressed face expression, as if it's not the first time they see it happening (it's not), and some with those cheeky, stupid smile that Kyungsoo hates, as if they know something Kyungsoo doesn't (there's no way they do).

When Kyungsoo lets himself glance briefly at Baekhyun, the other is grinning at the teacher, that little shit.

Kyungsoo looks up and the teacher is smiling back, though there's something plainly evil hidden behind that grin.

"How about a little project about the topic we're covering at the moment?" she says. And, yeah, here's the evil.

Baekhyun blinks, confused. Kyungsoo's sure the other doesn't even know what the topic is. The teacher surely knows that as well, that's why she wasn't specific.

"A small project by the two of you to present in front of the class in a week," the teacher continues.

Kyungsoo's heart skips a beat.

"You mean, like, we are not supposed to do the projects separately?" he makes sure and hopes with all his might for her to say that, no, each of them is supposed to hand in one's own project. A project separate from the other's. A project each of them does on their own. With no contact with the other one. Nope.

"Of course not." The teacher chuckles. "I'm not that cruel to have two friends do two different projects." Because she's even more cruel, to make them do one project together, Kyungsoo thinks annoyingly. "And I'm sure only one will have better quality than if you were to work separately," she adds, glancing to Baekhyun.

Kyungsoo does understand the last reasoning, as history isn't Baekhyun's strongest subject; it might be his worst actually.

"It's settled, then," the teacher decides. Her smiles disappears for a moment then. "Now, quiet or there will be more." Then she smiles again and chuckles, as she turns back and walks towards the front of the class, continuing her lecture.

Kyungsoo doesn't move, doesn't blink nor react in any way for a moment, processing the thought that he'll have to work on a history project with Baekhyun. History. Baekhyun. Just, Baekhyun.

"Kyungsoo?" Baekhyun asks worried, quietly, and his stupidly pretty hand touches Kyungsoo's thigh.

Kyungsoo doesn't even look to the side, he only holds up his finger in front of Baekhyun's face, who, thankfully, understands that it's enough for now and he better not speak anymore.

Still staring ahead, Kyungsoo needs a few minutes for himself to calm down. Then he carefully takes out his cellphone and quickly sends a short text.


To: Dumbyeol
From: Do Kyungsoo
You've got 30 seconds after the bell, if you want to save your friend.


Thankfully, when the class ends, it takes a moment for Chanyeol to appear out of nowhere and drag Baekhyun out of there, before the other manages to speak a word to Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo goes through two more classes before he sees Baekhyun again at lunch, but by this time he's mostly calmed down and stopped considering choking him. Mostly.

(Baekhyun would probably enjoy the choking, too, just to spite him, that little shit.)

Kyungsoo isn't all rainbows and sunshine, though, even more than usually and some of his friends decide to respect that. Kyungsoo appreciates it. He even appreciates the advice Joonmyun is trying to give him on how to work with Baekhyun on the project and even if Kyungsoo doesn't think those would work, he thanks Joonmyun anyway.

And then there are some of his friends that are having fun at his cost. Like Jongdae, who's laughing at how Baekhyun and Kyungsoo will have so much time to bond now. Chanyeol joins in, too. And then together with Sehun (Kyungsoo didn't know their youngest is suicidal), the three try to figure out what would be the ship name for Baekhyun and Kyungsoo, to Baekhyun's delight.

And to Baekhyun's even bigger delight, they end up with baeksoo. And this is the moment when Kyungsoo decides they're screwed, because there's no way in hell Baekhyun should be first. Usually the top is first and the only thing Baekhyun could top is the bed. And then Kyungsoo would be topping Baekhyun.

Kyungsoo freezes at the thought. He blinks.

And he glares menacingly at Chanyeol, because it's his fault he just thought that. This dumbhole going to get it soon.

Chanyeol shudders, when he feels chills on his back, and doesn't even dare to look at Kyungsoo.


Minseok glances to the side uncomfortably and moves his chair towards Kyungsoo again. The younger doesn't pay much attention to that, it keeps happening each time Luhan joins them in the library. They don't even know Luhan that well, they've got no idea why he keeps on appearing.

It was just one time that Yifan introduced Luhan as a friend from his sports group and the guy started acting like they're all great friends, joining them at places, joking with them and being a part of the group.

And while Kyungsoo doesn't care nor mind, Minseok seems like he does. They're not surprised by that, with how excited Luhan is at Minseok, creepily so.

But today Kyungsoo cares even less. Because Baekhyun is sitting next to him and is moving closer, too, and Kyungsoo feels like kicking Baekhyun's chair over. Yeah, that sounds reasonable.

"How about this?" Baekhyun asks, trying to be helpful and pointing something out in one of the too many books he's brought. And that'd be mildly okay, if he didn't put the book just in front of Kyungsoo's face and bring his own face too close. And if Kyungsoo wasn't doing with something else.

"Later," Kyungsoo murmurs again, busy with his chemistry homework.

Baekhyun pouts and moves away.

Only to move back a moment later with a different page he just needs to show Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo turns to glare at Baekhyun without a word, who moves away again.

It's finally quiet and Kyungsoo enjoys it happily, even though chemistry homework is something that doesn't make him happy in the slightest.

Kyungsoo almost starts humming with content as the silence doesn't get interrupted, but suddenly he feels a hand on his thigh. One that definitely isn't his and surely should not be there.

He tenses.

The hand keeps moving, stroking slightly to the inside.

Kyungsoo tenses more.

The hand moves upwards.

Kyungsoo turns to the side and kicks a leg of the chair. The chair falls over. Baekhyun falls next to it.


"But, Kyungsoo~" Baekhyun pouts at Kyungsoo.

The other guys just glance at the scene, amused with what's happening. Nobody really reacts as Baekhyun isn't acting as if he's hurt; not even Luhan, who got used very quickly to the way the two tease each other, he says. Kyungsoo always glares at such a comment while Baekhyun chuckles. Kyungsoo does not tease Baekhyun.


The next day Kyungsoo ends up in the library again, except there's only Baekhyun with him. Which sucks, but Kyungsoo's strong, he's got a project to do with this annoying kid, he'll focus on history and that's it. He can make it.

Kyungsoo definitely can make it without choking Baekhyun. Or hurting him in any way.

And things are going, well, not that bad for now. Baekhyun has been acting calmer than usually and Kyungsoo calms down as well, lowering his annoyance and barriers.

Which doesn't turn out to be a wise decision, of course, because Kyungsoo should've known better than to think that a calm Baekhyun is an okay thing. It never is and it's actually alarming and it usually means Baekhyun's plotting something.

Something like, well, the hand that lands on Kyungsoo's thigh again and Baekhyun is pretending to be reading something over Kyungsoo's shoulder and breathing onto Kyungsoo's neck.

Kyungsoo tenses, staring at the page he was just showing Baekhyun and stopping mid sentence.

"It's really good," Baekhyun says and Kyungsoo doesn't have to look at the other to know he's smiling, all happy and satisfied with the things he's doing, whatever it's supposed to be. "You're so smart, Kyungsoo." Baekhyun turns to face Kyungsoo, who still doesn't look at him, which doesn't help too much as Baekhyun breaths onto Kyungsoo's ear.

Kyungsoo bites down on his lower lip.

Baekhyun smirks and bites Kyungsoo's ear softly but it's enough for him to feel it properly.

Kyungsoo closes his eyes and clenches his fists, and he feels Baekhyun grinning at that, because, of course, the other notices as one of Kyungsoo's hands was on the one Baekhyun's holding on his thigh.

"You like it, hm?" Baekhyun whispers and kisses Kyungsoo's ear, chuckling quietly.

Kyungsoo snorts, feeling annoyed and like he wants Baekhyun to just shut up, so he finally moves, turning to Baekhyun. He lets go of Baekhyun's hand and grabs the other's shirt, pulling Baekhyun towards himself.

And that's how Kyungsoo finds himself kissing Baekhyun, not even sure why that is happening; how his other hand got into Baekhyun's hair, clutching tightly; how he's hearing Baekhyun moan.

"Not here," Baekhyun manages to say between the kisses as it quickly becomes clear that the kissing isn't going to end soon, and in a few moments Kyungsoo finds himself being pulled between the furthest book shelves, to where rarely anybody comes.

There, Baekhyun slows down and Kyungsoo doesn't hesitate to push him on the wall and kiss again, running his fingers through Baekhyun's hair, clutching tightly, which Baekhyun seems to appreciate as he seems to be trying to lean both into the kiss and into Kyungsoo's hand.

Kyungsoo smirks into the kiss, his other hand sneaking under Baekhyun's shirt and touching Baekhyun's stomach and back and scratches Baekhyun's skin.

Baekhyun moans into Kyungsoo's mouth again. Kyungsoo wants to hear even more from him.

And that's how a few minutes later Kyungsoo finds himself on his knees, his hands squeezing Baekhyun's hips and Baekhyun coming down his throat.

Kyungsoo loosens his hold of Baekhyun's hips and slowly pulls away, Baekhyun's member falling out of his mouth. He licks the few drops of come off Baekhyun that he didn't manage to swallow before and stands up.

Baekhyun puts his hand on Kyungsoo's cheek and kisses him softly.

"Kyungsoo," Baekhyun whispers, a dreamy smile on his face and he looks so content, so happy that Kyungsoo can't help but smile back and kisses him, too, not minding his own hard on for a moment.

Except then Kyungsoo remembers how turned on he is. And he notices the so-called butterflies in his stomach; and how he likes this dreamy, sexed-up Baekhyun; and how Kyungsoo wants to keep kissing him and making him feel nice and make him moan and say Kyungsoo's name in this completely gone way, as if Baekhyun needs just Kyungsoo to be happy.

And it's a lot of scary thoughts at once.

Kyungsoo pulls away. He stares at Baekhyun.

"Kyungsoo?" Baekhyun whispers.

Kyungsoo blinks, starting to panic inwardly.

"Kyungsoo?" Baekhyun says, turning slightly worried.

"Fuck," Kyungsoo murmurs, his eyes widen. He quickly turns away and runs. He runs ahead and out of the library and as far away as he only can.


The as far away as Kyungsoo can run turns out to be one of the school toilet, the smallest one that hardly anybody comes to as it's far from all the classes and, well, it's the smallest with only one cubicle. It's co-ed, too, which scares away everybody the best.

So Kyungsoo locks himself in the lone cubicle and sits down on the closed toilet lid.

He's almost hyperventilating, so he's trying to breath in and out deeply and think calm thoughts.

Thoughts like... Like sleeping. Like sloths. Like his own bed. Like his own Pororo-printed duvet (a gift from Jongin and Kyungsoo just can't not use it). Like his own soft pillow. Like his own perfect mattress. Like himself pushing Baekhyun onto said matt-

Kyungsoo hides his face into his hands.

It's not good. Not good at all. It's horrible. It kind of seems like Kyungsoo's screwed.

Fucking great. He's done for. He might as well be done.

Kyungsoo takes a deep breath.

Fucking hell. It seems like he might be kind of slightly in lov-

"Hey! Hey, get out!" interrupts Kyungsoo's thoughts. He's partly glad.

Except the voice sounds like Chanyeol's, who also starts hitting the door.

"Dude, get out! I have to shit!"

Kyungsoo frowns. He didn't need to know that, he really didn't.

He stands up and opens the door.

Chanyeol freezes mid hit and stares at Kyungsoo, his shock quickly turning to fright.

Kyungsoo raises his brow. With all the crap happening, he likes to amuse himself with a thought that Chanyeol didn't make it to the toilet, he just shit himself at the sight of Kyungsoo. It's quite funny.


The next day Kyungsoo has it partly thought-through. He has somehow till a point accepted that he might be slightly teeny tiny bit in maybe love with Baekhyun. Well, crap happens, Kyungsoo gets that.

Now he needs to figure out what to do with that fact. Does he ask Baekhyun out? Does he ask Baekhyun to be his boyfriend? Does he do anything? Does he do nothing? Kyungsoo has no idea.

He kind of hopes for Baekhyun to not be all over him for a bit, because he needs time to figure everything out.

But what he didn't hope for and quite doesn't like is Baekhyun just staying away from Kyungsoo completely.

When on their morning history class Baekhyun doesn't say much to Kyungsoo, doesn't tease him, doesn't dare to look at him, Kyungsoo feels sort of disappointed. He definitely wasn't hoping for this.

(If he knew such a thing would make Baekhyun stop bothering him, Kyungsoo would've blown him long time ago. As in, before he started liking him. Maybe he wouldn't start then, if Baekhyun stopped. Dammit, he should've sucked Baekhyun off forever ago.)

Except now Kyungsoo does... like Baekhyun (it's still hard even to think that) and he's not so happy to be left alone. He's glad not to be annoyed by Baekhyun, but that's not the way for it to be.

When the class finishes, Kyungsoo turns to Baekhyun and tries to say something, but before he can, he gets distracted by how sad Baekhyun looks. He usually doesn't look this way, the only time Kyungsoo has seen Baekhyun like this was when Baekhyun's puppy was sick. He got sick as well the next day turning into a sick puppy himself.

Kyungsoo frowns at himself thinking of Baekhyun as a puppy. It does fit, yes, but no. Nope.

And then Baekhyun is out of the classroom before Kyungsoo can say a word. He still believes Baekhyun doesn't have a reason to look this devastated. Kyungsoo sucked him off and then Baekhyun walks around as if his puppy ran away.

Okay, so Kyungsoo did look terrified and ran away just after the blowjob, but that is no reason to be sad. Kyungsoo hopes so, at least.

Or is it?

Nah, it's not. It's silly.

Kyungsoo snorts as he gets up and walks towards the door. He almost trips when somebody hits his arm with their own. Kyungsoo swears under his breath and looks up, ready to glare at the person. Seeing who that was, Kyungsoo rolls his eyes and gives up.

It's just Chanyeol trying to be a cool friend and everybody knows that you're not supposed to be nice to the person that hurt your best friend.

Whatever, Kyungsoo has got enough crap to figure out for now.


It might seem like showing Baekhyun that he's sorry might not work out too well. Partly because Baekhyun tries hard not to look at Kyungsoo. And partly because even at lunch Baekhyun chooses to abandon his usual sit next to Kyungsoo and goes sit next to Yifan instead (who looks up at Kyungsoo surprised and, seeing his annoyed face, turns confused).

Kyungsoo rolls his eyes, seeing how Yifan starts patting Baekhyun's head as if the younger is a puppy. (And he kind of is at times.) Baekhyun does seem to enjoy it, too, moving closer to Yifan and showing him a hesitating smile.

Throughout the rest of the day Kyungsoo tries to maybe say something to Baekhyun, but with how great the other is trying not to give Kyungsoo a chance to do that, he only manages to ask awkwardly if they're meeting in a library to work on their project after classes.

Flashing a sad, quick smile at him, Baekhyun only murmurs something quietly that Kyungsoo doesn't hear properly. He's sure he's heard words like puppy, hurt and take care of.

Kyungsoo wonders if Baekhyun means himself, not the actual puppy.

Either way, he's so done with trying to make it okay with Baekhyun. Kyungsoo just goes to the library alone, loving how quiet and calm it is.

(Mostly loving it.)


Annoyed and badly tired Kyungsoo is pissed off at lunch. He's had a bad night and busy morning, having to get up early and go through the whole city to get the bloody thing. His legs hurt from walking too much, his eyes hurt from staring at his laptop for almost the whole night and he can't really focus because of the little sleep he's had.

And here Baekhyun is being a little shit again.

"I'm... tired, sorry, I just want to eat," Baekhyun says quietly, when Kyungsoo asks him to go somewhere with him.

It's lunch time, so Kyungsoo hoped to be able to talk to Baekhyun with no troubles. But no, Baekhyun is content on pissing him off from the start.

"I insist," Kyungsoo says, trying to sound nice enough. He's never had much patience. And doing feelings stuff is just not his thing, it's too stressful and uncomfortable. How do you even mention to somebody that you like them? Outright telling such a thing is ridiculous and only for crazy people like Luhan.

Baekhyun shrugs.

Kyungsoo rolls his eyes, breathing heavily. He gets up and goes to stand next to Luhan.

"Go to pee," he whispers into Luhan's ear.

The older raises his brow at Kyungsoo.

"How about no?" he asks, laughing, because he got the seat next Minseok, he's not going anywhere.

"I was there when Minseok got drunk and started telling about his kinks," Kyungsoo says quietly enough, so only Luhan hears.

Luhan's eyes start shining immediately.

"Oh dear, how much have I drunk? I need to go to the toilet," Luhan almost yells and runs away, leaving his seat empty. Kyungsoo sits down on Luhan's place.

He turns and looks at Baekhyun, who's not next to him, looking uncomfortable.

Great, he looks the way Kyungsoo's feeling. Fair enough.

Kyungsoo takes a deep breath and takes something out of his pocket, then puts his hand hard onto the table in front of Baekhyun.

Baekhyun raises his head and looks at Kyungsoo's hand and then at Kyungsoo, obviously confused.

Kyungsoo gathers all his strength to let go of the little thing and take his hand off the little thing. After a few seconds he does. Baekhyun glances to what Kyungsoo uncovered and stares.

"I- I like you," he starts. "It seems," he can't help but add.

Baekhyun looks back to Kyungsoo, his eyes wide and shocked.

Kyungsoo sighs, resigned. He takes out his cellphone out of his pocket and shows it to Baekhyun.

"Couple thingy," he adds, waving the charm he's got attached to his phone.

Baekhyun stares. Slowly, a smile is appearing on his face. He takes the little gift in his hand.

"A Girl Generation cellphone strap," he murmurs quietly watching the thing.

And, yeah, that's exactly it is. One for the newest album and it's been out only for a few days and Baekhyun hasn't seen it in his regular shops yet and it's just so new. Kyungsoo must've done great deal of searching for it.

Baekhyun looks back to Kyungsoo.

"Couple charms?" He grins.

Kyungsoo's face is a mix between kind of smiling shyly and frowning.

He nods.

Baekhyun grins wider and quickly kisses Kyungsoo on the lips.

Kyungsoo nods to himself, his frown slowly turning smaller and looks down.

Baekhyun takes Kyungsoo's phone and puts it in front of himself on the table, then takes out his own to put the strap on it. He keeps glancing both to Kyungsoo and Kyungsoo's cellphone.

Everybody watches the scene with either happy or amused smiles. Joonmyun slightly leans on delighted Jongdae's arm, his hand on his heart, moved by how romantic Kyungsoo is being. Especially as Joonmyun knows best how annoyed Kyungsoo gets by Girls Generation, with Baekhyun having made him listen to the girls' songs way too many times.

Soon Luhan comes back from the toilet and excited Chanyeol and Baekhyun tell him the whole story. Luhan decides that this one time he can deal with not sitting next to Minseok. But just this one time.

As everybody laughs and Minseok pretends to look confused, Baekhyun leans in to breath on Kyungsoo's ear as he knows how sensitive it is now.

Kyungsoo sends him a glare that kind of breaks when he hears Baekhyun's whisper.

"So, does it mean you'll blow me in the library again? Because, really, Kyungsoo, your lips." Baekhyun sighs.

Kyungsoo likes knowing he's got a hold on Baekhyun, even if it's just this. He'll find it useful, he's sure.

"I can blow you even twice, if you can manage, but in your bedroom. I've finished the project yesterday," Kyungsoo whispers back.

He sees Baekhyun blank out for a moment, distracted by the idea. It takes a moment for Baekhyun to focus again.

"You did? Alone?" He's kind of sorry for making Kyungsoo work on it by himself, when it was supposed to be their shared work.

"Was bored," Kyungsoo shrugs. And he was trying not to think of how to maybe make it up to Baekhyun, the whole running away thing.

Baekhyun seems delighted that Kyungsoo was bored without him. Kyungsoo rolls his eyes.

"I'll be very happy to blow you back," he whispers quietly, smirking.

Kyungsoo blinks. He glances to Baekhyun's lips. Then he glances again. Then he stares at it for a moment until he sees the lips grinning.

Kyungsoo coughs and looks away, trying not to imagine what the lips will feel like (and that he might find out in just a few hours).

By the end of lunch Kyungsoo still might be tired and sleepy, but he squeezes back the hand that is holding his own.


pairing: baeksoo, one-shot

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