I wanted to be the grandfather. :/

Oct 05, 2014 23:12

Title: I wanted to be the grandfather. :/
Rating: PG
Genre: fluff, comedy
Pairing: Tao/Sehun
Words: 1 188
Summary: Tao and Sehun get a little baby. Or a little kitten. Same thing, really.
A/N: Because I say I don't know what to do and theayakochan has awesome ideas and says drabble. :| And because taohun are little shits, get out, please, no, stay, i love you.


Sehun sneaks into the door and listens carefully for a moment to figure out, if somebody's around. He hears nobody, though, so he looks back to the door.

"Tao, the coast's clear," he whispers, opening the door so the other can come in, hugging the black, expensive gucci bag to his chest.

They sneak through the door, Sehun checking each of those first, to see, if they can go through, and finally they manage to get to Tao's room. The one Tao's sharing with Minseok, but as it sometimes happen, Minseok often spends some of the night with Luhan, the latter luckily not minding that one person on his bed.

"Get in," Sehun opens the door to the room and Tao sneaks inside. The younger spends a moment more looking and listening for anybody's movements, but there's nobody, so he follows his boyfriend inside, locking the door after himself.

They both sit on Tao's bed and focus on the bag.

Sehun can't help, but smile at how cutely the other is looking at the bag, at the cute sound coming from inside it.

Finally Tao reaches forward and opens the bag.

Immediately the pretty, black eyes blink at them.

"So cute," Tao whispers, smiling adorably, moving his hand forward to pet the little grey head that purrs at the action.

"You're both cute," Sehun adds, watching his boyfriend and the adorable little kitty.

And it's true, Sehun's boyfriend is like the most precious, sweet, fabulous being to exist on the planet, and seeing him so taken with the cute, partly gray, partly white kitten. And he might not be a newborn or the tiniest thing, but Sehun can't help but feel a bit gone anyway.

Tao looks up and smiles at Sehun. Not stopping the soft petting, he moves up a bit and leans forward to peck Sehun's pink lips.


"How do we call him?" Tao asks some time later, when they're both lying in his bed, the kitten between them.

Sehun thinks for a moment.

"Something cute maybe?" he suggests.

Tao rolls his eyes, because, duh.

They both spend a moment, thinking through various options. It's not as easy as one would think, though.

Tao takes his phone into his hand and tries maybe searching for something awesome, as Sehun keeps thinking as he's petting the kitten's head, who's obviously very happy with that, leaning into his touch and looking up annoyed whenever he stops for a moment.

"How about Fanfan?" Tao finally asks, his voice sounding like it's the most usual, cute name ever.

Sehun looks up at his boyfriend and stares, very much unimpressed.

Tao shrugs, grinning.

"What? You don't like it?"

Sehun keeps staring, so Tao just rolls his eyes.

"Hunnie, I know about you're still mad, but it is because you still like Yifannie-hyung," Tao says. He thinks for a moment. "And it's not like he'd know," he adds.

Sehun sighs.


"So Fanfannie?" Tao grins excitedly.

Sehun nods. Then he looks down at the little kitt- little Fanfan, who's moving his head and kind of trying to bite him already, as he stopped petting him at the sudden suggestion.

Sehun rolls his eyes and continues caressing the kitten.

Tao only chuckles and clicks send.


From: Tao
To: Yifannie-gege
Our little baby. We called him Fanfan~
[fanfanniebaby.jpg attached]

From: Yifan
To: Tao-er
He's cute! *o* <3~

From: Tao
To: Yifannie-gege
Thank you, ge~ :3


Over the next few days Tao and Sehun have their little secret shopping trips and some of the members are freak out how they act, when somebody wants to join. It's clear that they're into being alone and then the shopping trips are weirdly short and they come back to Tao's room very quickly.

And Minseok somehow ends up kind of living with Luhan in the room the latter is sharing with Yixing.

It's all very confusing and Joonmyun is watching how the two maknaes distract the manager once again from getting the answers. The guy will go and only notice that in like twenty minutes, getting annoyed with himself and those two little demons.

But Joonmyun isn't as easy to deceive, though. Maybe it's because he's not talking to them at the moment, but it still counts.

So when one morning he sees Sehun disappearing into Tao's room, three cups and a little bowl (?) in his hands, Joonmyun is ready to take action. And figure out what's going on. And use the fact that Sehun didn't lock the door and just walk in there and see.

And it's exactly what he does.

"Oh," is what he says next at what he sees the moment he walks into the room.

"Hyung, close the door!" Tao says from his bed, not looking very shocked by Joonmyun's sudden entrance and like he doesn't care at all.

But Joonmyun definitely is shocked and he's staring at the two maknaes who are happily sitting on Tao's bed and feeding a little kitty and what.

Joonmyun blinks. He closes the door and walks closes to the bed, sitting carefully on the edge.

The maknaes don't pay him much attention, focused on the kitty and making sure it eats properly. With time, Joonmyun's shock passes and he kind of remembers they weren't supposed to have a kitten. And that might be why nobody else know, especially the manager. And, yeah, that's why the thing with the confused, distracted manager happened.

But as Joonmyun keeps watching them, they look so adorable, the maknaes and their kitty. The two boys are acting like a little family, feeding their little baby.

Joonmyun sighs.

Sehun looks up from where's sitting on the bed, his back against the wall, and smiles at the older.

"He's Fanfannie," he says, his voice all excited and happy and Joonmyun can't help but smile back.

Tao finishes feeding the kitten, puts the little bowl back onto the night table and lies down next to Sehun again, petting Fanfan softly.

"You want to?" he asks, smiling, and he points at the kitten.

Joonmyun isn't sure what the boy means at first, but then he gets it and moves closer, sitting next to Sehun. Carefully he reaches out his hand to pet Fanfan's little head and almost squeals at the adorableness, when the kitten looks up at him with his pretty eyes and touches his fingers with the little paw.

"He's cute," Joonmyun murmurs after a moment. He doesn't even notice the two boys smiling at him proudly as he busies himself playing with the kitten's paw.

"Our little Fanfannie likes his grandma already, doesn't he, Sehunnie," Tao says cheerfully to his boyfriend as he's watching Joonmyun and their baby.

Joonmyun isn't really listening, too taken with the cuteness that is the kitty, but he hears what Tao says. He hears and it actually takes him a moment for his mind to realizes what was that.

He frowns.


From: Joonmyun
To: Yifan

From: Yifan
To: Joonmyunnie

From: Joonmyun
To: Yifan
I wanted to be the grandfather. :/

From: Yifan
To: Joonmyunnie
Hahahahahah :D

From: Yifan
To: Joonmyunnie
You make a cuter grandma, Joonie ;3


drabble hahaha :|, pairing: taohun

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