Dec 05, 2005 17:12
I have been a bad girl. I have been neglecting everything. My life is nothing right now but swirls, like the inside of a tornado. Spinning spinning spinning, with no stopping in sight.
Work is killing me. I am physically tired, mentally tired, and emotionally drained. I can not wait for things to calm down.
Kait is wanting to go and do everything all the time. I don't even have time to walk in the door. But its ok. She needs to get out and do things, and although sometimes I get frustrated, I enjoy my time with her. She is my favorite shopping partner, because I can have the time to look around and shop. She loves to do that. Today, literally right after I got home, I took her sledding, as it is snowing. She had a grand time, and her wipeouts were some of the best. When we came in, her hair was soaked and her cheeks a rosy red. So I told her we would go and do some night time sledding. I used to enjoy sledding by the light of the front porch.
My divorce is Weds. I have talked to Kevin twice in the past few days, as he wants to get Kait's pictures done for Christmas. He even offered to pay for pictures for me. Not that I trust him of course. I just hope that he has gotten some smarts and will just agree to things in the divorce.
As far as everything else, this is my friday. I worked an early shift, and I am off the next two days. I hope I can catch up on laundry, LJ, email, friends, and even try to make an icon in photoshop. I need to call Jenny and see how she is doing. We have been playing tag.
I can not wait until Weds. I am not nervous or scared about the divorce, rather how my relationship with Neal will change. But I know that things will all work out in the end. Anyway, off to see what project I can get into. I really need to start wrapping...