Goes without saying...

Nov 13, 2004 12:19

Simple Plans new album totally rocks! *re-invests some more Love in them*

And according to a friend they are touring the UK next year- GUESS WHO WANTS TICKETS!

Their songs are just- Wow. I mean they really speak volumes to me. Especially "PERFECT" of theitr last album and "WELCOME TO MY LIFE" from this album- Beautiful songs that make me all teary. ( Esp Perfect) I love how much they feel like they apply to my life.

Well anyway Halloween's come and gone once again. And this year- Unlike the usual sleepover I was rocking away at THE RASMUS concert- My first concert..Right near where i live at Portsmouth Guildhall.

I went with my Amigo's Alex and Amy, It was so much fun. First we got all dressed up as Goths- or near as we could bear- for Halloween fun-factor- Then we went down and thought " Wow the ques quite small Im glad we got here like 3 HOURS early" walked up and foudn the cue was going the OTHER WAY. But still was not THAT long. So we queued up for all of three seconds- before me and Amy got restless and wanted to go round the back to see if we could spot the band- It being our first concert that would be a perfect way to start to just see them, or so we thought lol.

Well we went round to the barriers and there was aboput...20-odd people there just hanging around at the barrier. So we asked if anyone had comw out yet and they said that lots of peoepl were running between the trailers but No Rasmus as yet.

Well We'd left alex in the queue so we were wondering if we should go back- Answer was probably yes but we were all fidgety lol.
Well anyway as we pondered this we heard a squeakl and turned to see Aki- from the band- the drummer- walking up to us- we were tryign to figure out who it was cos he had a hat and sunglasses on and everything- but we think it was Aki, Well me and amy were like frozen as he hurled soem,thign over the barriers to everyone- I grabbed for one and got it. Go me. lol. Well it was a fortune cookie- and it told us who the Support act was inside- which before had been secret. it was HIDING PLACES if you were wondering lol.

Well then we ran back to Alex shouting for her to get out the queue and stand with us. I think she was a bit upset she'd missed someone- especially considering that at the time we wern't sure quite who it was and we thoguht it might have been Lauri whom she loves. ( Lead singer)

But we kept seeing the queue moving down- and there were moments where the queue just vanished for a bit then more people lined up- we were convinced we were going to be at the back now...So we made the deal to stay out in the freezing cold and wait no matter what because we were here for them- and the musisc it didnlt matter where we were, If we went now we'd probably miss them coming out of the trailers - if indeed they were not already.and wed only be in the middle- Might aswell be at the back...Well there were 3 girls, MASSIVE Lauri fans who were yelling over the barriers " I WANT UR BABIES LAURI!" and stuff- whcih was scaring us a little bit. But they were younger than us- more nieve * cough* And another girl who had a picture her little sister drew of Lauri and she really wanted to get it signed for him. Aki walked out of one of the railers with his hood up and smiled at us as he walked into the guildhall but he didn't come over because there was too many people...

Meanwhile I had formulated a cunning plan, I got my bottle of water and thwacked it under the barrier with my foot.
by this time about 14 of the 20 people had gone away- including the scary kids- who didn't want to lose their seats and got frightened by the queue moving very quickly in. Me and Alex and Amy decided " lets stay for a bit longer at least" so we hung abotu with the girl with her picture.a us three and two foreign girls- so about 6 of us overall. Then we saw a guy- didn't know him but the girl with the picture was like " CAN YOU GET THIS TO LAURI?"
and he said- in his scottish accent: " No I'm sorry i don't know where he is- have you seen how big it is in there- its like a maze! I wouldn't know were to look."
"Is he in there then?" we asked and he shrugged.
"Please I have this picture from my little sister shed love him to sign it please" said the other girl, and sick of the shouting match across the thign i said " Can someone pass me my water bottle back please?" and he walked all the way over to give us the water bottle back * see- Cunning!*
meanwhile the other girl was still hssling him- actually being quite rude.
and he said he was going for a beer to wake him up. and as he was like " Is a beer more important than my little sister- Please? You know you love my little sister."

He sort of laughed a bit and said he'd try, but couldn't promise anything- He was pretty cool about it. and then amy said " So what do you do here then" and he sort of looked at her and went " Im a singer...In the support group" and she was like " Oh..." secretly kicking herself- we talked to him for about 10 minutes before letting him go and get his beer.

We started wonderign if we should go in again, when all of a sudden......

Lauri walked out. Damn i was till holding he bottle, i should have kicked it back under! but before we could shoutwe heard " Please Lauri my sister has drawn a picture shed love you forever if you signed it." I think he was intendin on walking in subtely because he seemed pretty shy, but he was half way up the steps to the hall and he sort of looked at us and bless him he had to turn round and come back. He was really lovely aswell. Very sweet as he signed our tickets and we wished him luck for the concert- then amy asked him " we arnlt allowed cameras in there are we." and she didnlt even seem to listen to him when he said in his sweet accent "Er...Yeah i think you are." and he sorta smiled at me when amy took the photo and told her off for letting the flash go off in his face. Bless him. Anyway, we asked for a photo so someone took Alex's camera and we all cramed in, and he put his arm around my shoulders and I didnlt realise until we got the photos back but i did the same to him! All in all he was very sweet.

And the concert TOTALLY kicked MAJOR ASS! Then we met Eero afterwards ( the guitarist) and then we met the rest of HIDING PLACES then we went home. The only person we didn't encounter out of the concert was Paulie. Ah well.....

All in all it totally kicked ass! They did an encore of a few songs- and the start to their concert was really cool with the sheet falling down and the lights! They were brilliant Live and At the end Aki threw loads of drumsticks into the audience :D

End off- I won't go on abotu some of the scary people at the concert- in screm masks and one woman who i think was on drugs- and then one man who was playing with Amy's hair and checking us all out * is scared* so we moved away from him.... AND we were right near the front too! WHAT LUCK!

x Claire
p.s Sorry for not posting for ages- Ive had essay after Essay from college to do- and No social life! lol.
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