This is sort of late...

Nov 29, 2004 15:14

I have not been very livejournal-ish lately. Too busy to write I suppose... and for a while I forgot this thing still existed. Anywho...

What I'm thankful for...
-friends @ home
-friends @ school
-family (I miss mommy and brother)
-Campbell 1
-putt-putt <3
-ice cream (it gets a bullet of its own)
-beer :D

Thanksgiving break was SO crazy. I felt like I was flying by the seat of my pants. (What?) Tuesday Matthew came and picked me up from here... we did dinner and then headed out to Rider to visit with Kerri. We definately ended up staying there instead of his house cause there was much alcohol involved. Wednesday I got to see Janey! That was fun. (BTW- I still have your CD in my car :X Sorry!) We all hung out till 1ish... I thought it was awesome Jane was hanging out with me, Kerri, Matthew, Bitter, and Lynott. Thanksgiving was... full of food. And thanks. I talked with mommy and brother. I'm excited to go out there in December. Food was awesome... and The random drives Kerri and I do each holiday was a blast. I scared her. Haha. I'm evil. And we visited Scott Hunter in the middle of the night. heh. Friday I tried shopping. That was a no-go. I hung out with Rob for a bit and then headed off to work. After work I went up to North Jersey to chill with Rach, Kacey, Greg, Kenny, and Tracy. We went to some party @ Rach's friend's house. That was so much fun... Too back I only remember some of the night. But I'm eternally grateful to my new friend Scott who is my hero. Thanks times infiniti. I came back down Saturday... speeding is SO much fun. I saw everyone from boro and more. I ran into Savvy, Roscoe, and Larissa. That was cool. And I saw Chris. He was a bit drunk, but all is well. Headed out to MattyK's Saturday night. Everyone was there for Thanksgiving dinner-party. Pasta was amazing and the chicken was good. The cookies rocked though. There was an enormous amount of alcohol there... like woah. Saw Megz @ Hot Topic Sunday. Whee. I was shopping for Kerri's present after her and Lynott left and I was happy to see that Megz was working. Cute boy works @ Hot Topic. Yeah, came back here @ 3 Sunday afternoon. I got to chill before everyone else got back here.

And that's the end of my Thanksgiving break. My next update will probably be over Christmas break cause I suck @ updating...
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