Woooow I like the new LJ Layout!
Well today was very very interesting.
Millie and Rob got the money transferred..Amazing friends x_x I'd be GOD WHO KNOWS where without them. More than I thought it would be so that will help. I just checked my bank account and now it says $21 >< Footlocker didn't give me my refund back for the shirts I turned back in >_> so I gotta bug them.
Also I figured out something at the mall. I earned $8 for doing something *shhhh can't say what it was XD cause it's a secret* I will do more tomorrow and possibly raise up some more extra cash.
Also! I met some new people. Mom just started her job today at the candy store (they make fresh pralines)
I was in the cafeteria drawing for about 3 hours and I did not realize that the guy that sells stuff across from the candy store was even watching me XD
I was sneaking over to the candy place to get a free praline sample but then he called me over and I was like "uh o_o....oh ......" OO;.....*turns uberly red*
He had friends hanging around with him and he introduced me as though he knew me X_x and he was like " You draw! I saw you as I was walking by" and I'm like "he walked by X_x;?..."
See how involved I get into my work ><. Only thing that made me get up was the damn dfbnervevg mentally challenged people..not to be rude but they're getting irritating because they like spray the tables with that cleaning chemical crap. Plus, they FOLLOW me as I move from table to table with my stuff and they STARE..like...creepy stare and sometimes they look at me blankly for a long time and suddenly make a creepy angry expression omg erjbhvdfsgdbgde *shudders*
but uh..anyway..yeah.
We talked a lot and basically I am his friend suddenly XD. He plays guitar and stuff and it's like he read my mind when he was trying to help me do business with my art. I even handed out my number to one of his customers that is getting married and might want to have a portriat done @_@
and here I am just learning to use the tablet I just got XDDD
but omg he is so nice. My mom said she was gonna tell me about him cause he was dancing or something and she thought he was like a professional and she wanted me to make contacts with him.
He models too. We had a lot to talk about. He's there everyday too so whenever I'm there I can hang out and stuff. He's so lively o_o and..well gosh ..yeah XD uh...*bites lip*
oh and he's 28 o_o like thats the first thing he said to my mom too XDDDD
that probably confused her. It's funny though. He's cute like that o_o
Look at what has happened to me I am falling for guys rather than girls now.
Speaking of girls. .... >>;......ANGEL my PRECIOUS puppy Angel >>;
Well you see I went to check on her today and she saw me. I hard barking and howling on my way there and like I thought it was one of the other puppies cause you know, Eskie dogs are "so quiet and well behaved" which...she usually is!...But I went up to her, then she stared for a bit, sat up and then I talked and said I still couldn't get her yet and that she should lower her price and then SHE WENT ON BARKING and growling and yapping right at me and started pulling on the cage with her teeth O_____O and April was acting irritated >>;
She actually seems irritated by both me and angel cause the other day when I was workng April took Angel over to try and sell her to someone again >>; and I whispered to Angel not to make them like her.
And guess what she did? I hovered around the area of the customers and then I heard their kid yelling and some weird noises " No stop! I don't want this dog i want the other one!" and you know everyone in there tries to make eskies sound so calm natured XDDD yes my eskie is calm natured around me :D but she doesn't want to go home with anyone else but me XP she squirms with other people.
mm >>; well I left and went to get some money then I went to say bye and then guess what! She was ignoring me and then I knocked on the glass and then she looked at me lazily and the shifted her eyes the other way laying her chin on her paws and snorted! XD She was mad I think. Cause I wasn't taking her home T_T...well if she wasn't $2,000 it'd be a lot lot easier
Rez said that I shouldn't spend my money on a pet o_o. Which I both agree and disagree to it cause I am not too sure if that dog is exactly ...a dog in spirit XDDDD
Oh dang I gotta get up at 7. I will write again if I can. I have to go get more money to get a portable harddrive to back up my files since there was that robbery at my house. It's getting annoying to drag my desktop everywhere so I'm gonna get like a 60 GB external drive.
they're on sale till saturday.
and i STILL need to get around to going to guitar center. Need to finish that Geek Squad application. Check on my job application at walden books and check on the net lounge place.
graaah too much to do so little time!
theres some other stuff. I definately hope I can get a piece of art done sometime this week! all i get is a few minutes here and there.
cool - >
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060914/ap_on_sc/puffy_planet and a survey for your pleasure
how old do I act?
[x] I know how to make a pot of tea/coffee
[x] I can do my own laundry
[X] I can cook for myself
[ ] I do my chores after being told once
[X] I actually enjoy intellectual conversations
[ ] I think politics are exciting
[ ] My parents and grand-parents have better things to say than my peers
total: 4
[x] I show up for school/work every day unless I'm sick
[x] I always carry a pen in my pocket/purse/backpack
[X] I've never gotten a ticket
[x] I can watch talk shows and point out the incredibility of it all
[x] I know what incredibility means without looking it up
[ ] I drink black coffee
total: 5
[x] I know how to run the dish washer..and/or do the dishes
[x] I can count in more than one language
[ ] When I say I'm going to do something, I do it.
[ ] I mow the lawn
[x] I wash the car
[X] I can make adults laugh... without being stupid
[x] I remember to water my plants
[X] I study when I HAVE to
[x] I pay attention at school/work
[X] I remember to feed my pets.
[ ] I'm generally organized
[x] I know the meaning of capital punishment
total: 9
[X] I can spell experience without looking it up
[x] I clean up my own mess
[ ] The first thing I do when I wake up is get coffee
[x] I can go to the store with out getting something I don't need.
[x] I understand jokes the first time they are said
[] I listen to my elders
[X] I can type fast, because I type every day
total: 5
[x] My choice in clothing is acceptable in an office or something like that (I can change according to atmosphere)
[x] I can watch politics and laugh
[x] I have realized that the weather forecast changes every hour
[x] I have realized that no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job
[X] I can read a book and actually finish it
[x] People have said that I act older than I am
[x] I can be sent on an errand and not get side tracked
total: 7
I act 30 o_o ......WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO ..oh fuck