See how her hair spills over like frayed ends of twine...

Jan 31, 2009 13:18

Yesterday was a mix of fail and okay. As are most days.

We headed out to return the jump starter and get our core charge back for the battery. Then up to Walmart where I discovered that the back of my jeans near the pockets had developed OUT OF NOWHERE a long vertical tear. I was wondering why my ass was so chilly after getting out of the car. Thankfully, finding a new pair of jeans was cheap and painless. Which is good. So now I have a new, comfy pair of jeans and I need to sew up the others.

TJ got her eye exam, but finding a pair of glasses is going to be a different ordeal. The Eyemasters in Chapel Hill were douchecunts about things. See, the glasses we both have now, we got from Eyemasters in Parmatown. We got both pairs, lenses and all, for a little over $100 (because TJ's were slightly over). This was cool. We figured we could do this again painlessly. But of course not. The ghetto lady at Chapel Hill was an idiot and said that TJ's thinner lenses were not included in the deal. But we got them before and what the fuck you idiot.

So we said fuck that shit and wandered around the Chapel Hill mall while Angie was shopping for some clothes.

We wandered down to the godawful Pet Land which we should really just avoid never going into ever. We discovered a rat...eating another rat. Anyone who has rats should know that this is totally not something rats do (unless they're mentally fucked). But this rat wasn't killed by another, it appeared to have died naturally and was simply never removed from its cage. On top of the fact that rats usually just ignore their dead, and, really, unless they're not being fed, probably would've just left it there until someone finally noticed it. I really have the feeling the rats had simply 'forgotten' to have been fed and they resorted to what had been left in their cage.

Either way, we walked out and I'm so not going back in there ever again. I really loathe that place. All Pet Lands, even. Because every one I've been in has been like that. Horribly injured animals, dead animals left in the cages. Ugh.

We did our best to forget about this atrocity and we then drove around to acquire booze. Which didn't happen because it was already after 9PM and the liquor department in Giant Eagle in Streetsboro closes at 9PM instead of 10PM. Which is lame. But we did see some people we used to work with and got some tasty foodyums. I wish out Giant Eagles has a better organic/natural foods selection.

TJ picked up My Fitness Coach for the Wii. We were going to buy Wii Fit, but we couldn't justify the price. Fitness Coach was only $30 and does pretty much the same thing as Wii Fit. We did 15 minutes of exercises last night and oh god, so sore. But TJ really wants to drop the weight from the Depo, so I told her I'd work out with her. I'm pretty comfortable with my body as is, but if I can't get some more flexability out of this, woo!

Today, we're going out to the mall. I have to get more critter food and Angie wants to get some clothes. TJ's looking for craft supplies, too. I'm still debating the laminator. I might go for it (cause I'll get a discount at my work) because I could really use it in the long run. :V

wtf, games: general, fitness

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