It's not one iota or a comma or a quota when your time here is over...

Feb 01, 2008 11:56

I'm going to be REEEEALLY tight on money these next two weeks.

Taking Quiddgy to the vet at 5PM. He really needs a checkup to figure out just what's wrong with him, since I can't diagnose it myself (meaning, it's nothing obvious, obviously!). So, hopefully he won't run my too much into the ground at the vet. The appointment is $37, and medication will be more, if he needs it. But he needs to go. Soooo...

I talked to my mom today. Apparently she DID have another small stroke. She also has rhumetoid arthritis in her neck and arm. And she has plaque (I think) in her cartroid artery in her neck (I could be getting the details wrong, for all I know). But when her arthritis flares up, it causes a chain reaction and cuts off oxygen to her brain, which causes BAD THINGS. So she's on meds and she's still working for as long as she can, even though she has little reflex or strength in her left side (I believe). She has a very high chance of another stroke in the next few months, as well.

That being said, I think we'll be heading home sooner than we really planned. Before the end of June, for sure. Because, honestly, as much as I don't worry about my mother, I wouldn't want to be all the way out HERE if something happens THERE. Partially because I'm the only shining pillar of strength my immediate family has. So, yeah. Once it starts to thaw, I'm going to start getting things together to ship back, so we don't have such a heavy load on the drive.

In other news, I scored a Hotel California t-shirt from Walmart today. :D I loves it. It's so nice. TJ picked up Endless Ocean, cause she had trade-in monies. Hopefully she'll enjoy it. We also picked up micesllaneous bullshit that I'd been meaning to grab. Paper plates, some more cheese, drink for TJ, etc., etc.

We went up to Shari's this morning with Krispy for brekkers and to vent at each other and bitch and talk and the like. It was nice.

OMG. This is more for my reference, but the Disney Store has THE MOST BEAUTIFUL art nouveau Princess merchandise now. :X It's so so so so so so so so pretty and I wants it all. <3<3<3<3

And now, I go to nap. Because I have to get up in a few hours. :X

mommy, critters: rats, music: general, disney, family

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