Where will this painted path of paper finally lead...

Jan 01, 2008 11:37

The new year has been going well. Sure, I slept through midnight (we all did) and was woken by TJ telling me Happy New Year. We eventually all riled ourselves up and went out to Shari's for some foods. Then we came home and me and TJ did shots of Patron and Raspberry Pucker. And I drank some of my French Vanilla Kahlua. <3<3

Then I promptly fell asleep.

Got woken up by TJ prancing around and rolling all of my blankets off of me. And the Bob coming in and helping her. Went up to Target to pick up some things. Got some pop and some yogurt (after eyeing candy and other bad things the entire way). Bought TJ a little discount dinosaur, as well.

Yesterday I walked over to the dollar store and Michaels. I got TJ a little Valentine's nubbins and some lilac bath fizzies. Wandered around the mall in search of a 10 volt adapter (Does anyone have one??? I'll totally hook someone up with a free little sketch. I needs one.) for my scanner. Walked around Barnes and Noble for a book, found alot of vampire teen novels and smattering of werewolf teen novels, but they all made me sadface and I wouldn't purchase them. But I would borrow them from the library, which I need to go up to and get a card for. I also got TJ a bottle of raspberry lambic from World Market.

Then I came home and found that Bob bought a bunch of booze already! Ah well.

I've been downloading alot of new music lately. Mostly from browsing around last.fm and my friends list. Someone mentioned Scarling on their new year's meme and I downloaded them after poking around the wiki. I threw 'em on the iriver to listen to at work and I was pretty disappointed when the first song I heard was Black Horse Riding Star. I can really do without the riot grrrl screaming. I can do without most musical artists screaming, actually. But I listened to Stapled To The Mattress today and that was a bit better. So maybe Black Horse was just a once off? I also downloaded Paramore, cause I know Cari's raved about them before. I like what I've heard so far. And I, for some reason, downloaded a band called Madina Lake because I liked the title of their album (From Them, Through Us, To You). I really like a few of their songs. And I think Angie would really enjoy them.

I picked up a new dayplanner, cause the dollar store had some. Keeping all my schedule stuff in my phone is becoming a pain. Plus, I can decorate it! :D I also picked up a nice little hardback black sketchbook. And it has perforated pages! Yay! I can decorate this, as well. This pleases me.

We were supposed to go over Krispy's on thr 30th. But, since I had to go into work that night, we didn't make it over. And I totally forgot to call. I'm so awful. D:

I need to do my monthly photo dump. And be sad because of the lack of camera I now have. Lame. But at least I made it a full year of photo dumps! I guess?

I rented NIGHTs a little while ago. I like it enough, but when I got to the point where I defeated the first boss, my game FUBARed and the Wii couldn't read the disc. I tried twice and it failed. And it's not my Wii. So I told the people at the game store and they gave me a free rental. I got Super Mario Galaxy which I'm really, REALLY enjoying. It took a minute to get used to the controls, but it reminds me ALOT of N64 Mario and I loved N64 Mario. <3<3

We also rented the Simpsons Movie and Bender's Big Score over Christmas. I enjoyed both, but I liked the Futurama movie alot more. I feel so bad for poor Fry. D:

I'm going to try and gather up what commissions I have left. I'd love to get them done in the next month or two so I can lazy about and do fanart and art trades and personal art. I'm thinking about delving back into trying out comics again. Overcoming panels and all that jazz.

I also need to finish up my webpage. It's so close to being done, but I've been lazy about it. Maybe I'll work on that tonight. I mostly need to clean up my commission info and add some miscellaneous bullshit.

We discovered Stanley has a tumor on his face. He's around two years old now, so getting surgery would likely be as life threatening as letting him die naturally. We're going to keep and eye on him and see how he does. If his quality of life plummets, we'll have him put down. He's had a really good run and he's still doing well, just old and slow. All the other rat beasties are doing well, however. Which is good.

I want a Cintiq SO BAD it hurts. I was watching a video on it the other day, someone showing how well it responds and drawing with it and it makes me happy in my pants. Yeah, the 12" are a freaking GRAND. But I think I could save up for one. After the move back to Ohio and we're settled in. If I stay at Target, maybe next year when I get my tax refund. I know it's a mostly frivilous purchase but...still. I want one.

critters: rats, music: general, games: general, art

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