Stuff and MORNING!

Mar 14, 2007 07:52

Every morning is better with banana chips.

We went to the natural foods coop in Kent yesterday. Mmm. Nomnom organic raisins and banana chips and cherries. <3<3 I'd much rather be eating the organic stuff than the overly sugary stuff from the grocery store. And the rats are able to eat it too! So everyone wins.

We went to the zoo after Angie go off work at 2PM. Only had two hours up there, but still. It was nice. Then we went to Parma and stopped at the mall and the fancy fish store. And then we drove home. Whee!

Today, I work 11AM-8PM. D: Ah well.

I ran the cable for Angie's comp and got all that hooked up. And, thankfully, I didn't have to fuck with the network, because everything's shared and no one's changed anything. Woo!

And now, for some sort of breakfast and loafing until it's time for work.

Oh! VAST is coming to Cleveland at the end of the month, and STEPHEN LYNCH is coming mid-April. GLEE.

Zoo pics here:

And the best picture of the day: Angie in Capt. Hook's hat:

job: general, adventure: zoo

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