Jul 11, 2005 02:14


So, obviously, we didn't make it to Anthrocon. Sucks, yes, but that happens. We got as far as New Castle, PA before the car decided it was going to start the kicking of the bucket. Decreasing in speed on it's own, not accelleration properly, generally bad stuff. Eventually, Rob came out, we mulled over things and eventually got it towed. A look over by a mechanic later and it was determined that, on top of the radiatior not being bled after the water pump and such were put on, a rod in the engine had busted. Which engine or new car. The car's over 10 years old already, and we've had her for a little over two years, so she's definately had a good run. And we've put 130,000 miles on 'er from trips to Canada and countless trips to Cleveland and Akron. So, now we've gotta start trying to get money together for a new car.

Of course, this falls RIGHT into our apartment hunting and will more than likely come right out of the money TJ got from her aunt. So I'm going to see about a little more than I had planned on taking out for a college loan to help out with getting a car that will at least last us through college.

So things are very crazy right now. We may have to put off college until the Spring, which we didn't really want to do, as we need to get out of her before the place drives TJ mad and drives me crazy, which is really a feat.

But we'll see what happens. We may just take a small trip over to Philly via Greyhound so we can get away and clear our heads before having to really deal with all this crap.

I think I might open up commissions again. I don't know. I really want to finish up the ones I have now before I take any more. I need a clean slate. And I'll probably only take a limited number at a time. But we need the money, and without the car, we're unable to /look for a job/get a job/get to work/etc. So we're kinda in a bind.

Yesterday was pretty bad too, until the evening. We took the bikes out and caught the bus out to the mall. We milled around and hit up the rib fest, where we had ribs and a lemon shake. <3 Good ribs, too. Then we thought our bikes got stolen (which didn't do anything good for TJ's mental state at the time). It turned out maintence cut the chain because they apparently weren't supposed to be chained where the were (outside of GameStop/Lenscrafters in the back of the mall), despite the fact that THERE ARE NO SIGNS STATING SUCH. Fuckers. After that, TJ decided on a double shot of Cuervo and we hit up Arby's (PEANUT BUTTER CUP MILKSHAKE, BITCHES!) and TJ laughed at things for no apparent reason. Then Josh (from the comic store) ninja showed up out of nowhere. It was pretty fantastic. I also found a giant silver star on the ground at the mall. I put it on my bookbag. I'm pretty sure it'll blind people with the right light. :D

Today was nicer, though. Woke up around 1PM, had yummy soup, went over Rob's, played with the Erin beast. Got a couple of cute pics of 'er: [ 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 ] That's Elray with her in the second pic, one of Rob's dogs and her playmate. He likes playing tug-o-war with her with Rob's underwear and socks. XD And that's Rob in the blue jeans in the two pics. XD

Now, time for sleepies, cause I can never get enough sleep. z_z

stress, car, critters: erinmonster

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