carved in cursive with a table fork

Jun 28, 2014 00:40

I did not expect Iron & Wine to be as absolutely stellar as they were. I expected them to be good, don't get me wrong, I've heard live recordings and stuff, but I was not prepared at all. They did a mix of songs I wasn't quite familiar with (some off their new album, which i haven't listened to much) and some stuff I absolutely love. They did Resurrection Fern, Woman King (which they opened with), Boy with a Coin, an absolutely amazing Freedom Hangs Like Heaven, Me and Lazarus, The Trapeze Swinger, etc. I got really emotional a couple times, which I kind of expected and kind of didn't? I dunno, sometimes listening to people be really into their music sets something off in me. I was definitely tearing up at most of my favorites, but I legitimately cried at their encore song, Muddy Hymnal, which I absolutely didn't expect them to play. I was hoping for Naked as We Came, Evening on the Ground, or Walking Far From Home, but I wasn't expecting Muddy Hymnal and it was really amazing.

Also, Sam briefly started playing Freebird after someone shouted it and then said 'be careful what you wish for, motherfuckers'.

Now I have a headache, but whatever.

The only obnoxious parts were the frat bros a few seats down who wanted to stand for a whole song (the kent stage is all seating, a bit like a theatre) and people kept telling them to sit down and an usher eventually had to come out and scold them. Then, behind me, was #1 Super Fan who talked just a little too loud and was just waaaay into everything Sam Beam was doing and it was pretty annoying but I was able to tune most of it out.

The opening band was The Secret Sisters, who I'd never heard before, but I think I'd heard of them, y'know? They were great, however. They were adorable and had cute southern accents and I immediately bought their newest CD and had it signed. I also informed the one girl of what the animal she saw when she was walking down by the river (it was a groundhog). They were really sweet.

I bought, as mentioned above, a CD and also one of the 250 limited Iron & Wine posters because it speaks to me on a spiritual level.

[ crossposted from dreamwidth ➙ you can also view it there ]

hobby: instagram, adventure: concert

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