blood stains, ball gowns, trashin’ the hotel room

Apr 07, 2013 20:00

I've been bad about updating! Which totally defeats the inital purpose of, you know, using my journal again.

I'm sitting at work in the MACC Annex, listening to the wrestlers (I think) in the next room over have practice or something. They're making a lot of noise, is all I know, and I'm trying to counter it with music, since there's no one in the Photo Studio right now.

My laptop is back in working condition! My power cord eventually went completely kaput and I snagged another one for, like, $10 on Amazon. Looks like that was the problem, which is nice. I mean, I still can't use my laptop without the cord, because my battery is shot, but that doesn't bother me. I also reformatted it and it runs a bit better. But it's also something like three years old, so it's to be expected that it's lagging behind a little. I don't know if I want to buy more RAM for it, or just buy a new laptop. I'm so attached to my stupid sticker-covered laptop, though.

I was sick over the tail end of spring break last week. A head cold was going around work at the library and I'd avoided it until the weekend or so when kicked my ass. I was congested and couldn't breath or swallow well and all I did was sleep. I couldn't keep myself awake and I was just constantly tired. There's a little of it lingering still, but it's nice to feel human again. Especially because the weather's finally warmed up significantly and I've been wanting to spend time both outside and cleaning the house.

We're planning on pulling almost everything out of Tony's craft room downstairs and organizing things to be easily find-able and accessible. I wish I had the extra money to get some nice organization things, but I don't right now. The biggest issue is finding the best way to store all the bolts and yards of fur he has so they don't get dirty and the cats don't lay on them and them still be easy to pull out and use and put away. But we'll see what we can do. Worst case scenario, we buy some more of the plastic shelving things we're using for fur now.

I just want to get all the mess/clutter organized and cleaned up. I want to put away fall/winter things and pull out spring/summer stuff. I'd like for everything to be nice and neat and easy to find, really. I want the living room to be nice and neat because sometimes I'd like to spend time downstairs or have a second television where we can play games or invite people over to hang out with. Our main TV is in the bedroom and it's always a clusterfuck (mostly clutter, let's be honest here) and small and not exactly condusive to having people over or anything.

I'm also thinking about pulling everything out from my office and re-organizing it. But everything's so precariously placed in there right now that it might not be worth the trouble?? i have two desks and my desktop comp in there and I'd like for my one window to be fully accessible (there's a desk in front of it right now and I can open/close it, but maybe I'd just like to, I don't know, toss the papasan cushion down in front of it and nap in the sun or something?

I don't know, a lot of brainstorming needs to happen before I do anything with that. I can spill some of my stuff out into the landing (like my bookcase, for example), because there's plenty of room out there and I'm probably going to put the cat's stupid cardboard house into the extra bedroom - which is basically their room anyhow.

I also need to plant my veggies and stuff! I don't want to procrastinate on it forever this year because I'd really like to get a harvest out of them.

I've been trying to draw a bit more (and get some commissions to help with rent/whatever).

Two requests I did and one commission and a gift for a patient commissioner~

I've also been working on my dolls! Well, mostly on Poe. I want to blush Desma's body with pastel, but it's not working really well, so I'm putting her on the backburner for now. In the meantime, Poe's been progressing nicely.

I've been writing a lot about my progress and such over on my doll blog, so I won't rehash it all here. I need to pick up some better acrylic paints, but so far she's coming along well. I haven't done the markings on her body yet, though.

And now, some Instagram spam~

I also made a seperate flickr account for all my book cover photos, as well: raggedpages

So a bit back, we switched Finnick over to some Taste of the Wild cat food, because he'd been breaking out in scabs and we couldn't figure out why. It wasn't hurting him, they were just a bit itchy and never seemed to go away, even with baths and such. We thought he was allergic to the flea meds, but then we thought it might be a food allergy.

Which is pretty much exactly what it is.

Since we've switched him over to a higher quality food, his scabs are almost completely gone and no more have broken out at all. He's probably allergic to something stupid, like corn or whatever they use to fluff out the standard cat foods. He doesn't eat the other food at all anymore, but we have to feed him by himself because I can't afford to switch them all over to the more expensive food. But at least he's smart enough to come and let us know when he's hungry.

The other cats are doing well, which I'm thankful for. They're all stoked about the warmer weather, too. The other animals are good, too. I have to pick up some more food for the ratties and clean out their cages (and pair them up, which I've been procrastinating on) this week.

I'm sure there's things I've missed that I'll remember right after posting and go 'why didn't I write about that??'.

See, I knew I'd forget something!

I'm going to be making a Commander Shepard cosplay for Anthrocon (yeah, I know, that doesn't make a lot of sense) because Tony is going to try to do a Geth or a Turian and I just want an excuse to wear awesome armor, dye my hair red, and yell at people.

I'm pretty happy that I found great pattern templates for the armor, too. Now it's just a matter of figuring out how much EVA foam I'll need and then, you know, actually piece things together. I don't think it'll be too difficult, just time (and money) consuming. Especially since I'll need to get a decent undersuit to wear and, likely some kind of compression/spanx thing so I don't look like a fatty. I mean, I have a spanx thing, but it's prone to rolling up. I might buy one of the bodysuit-ish ones, with the shorts or whatever that's all one piece.

But hopefully we can also cobble together what we need for whatever Tony decides to do. The biggest obstacle for him will be a mask, I think. Or, if he does a turian, that damn collar thing.

[ crossposted from dreamwidth ➙ you can also view it there ]

personal: illness, fandom: mass effect, pets: cats, hobby: cosplay, hobby: instagram, hobby: ball joint dolls, hobby: photos, pets: rats, !crosspost, art

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