her daddy is a preacher and may he rot in hell

Mar 02, 2013 13:22

Instagram annoyances, because I'm feeling catty this morning.

  • People who tag photos with #instagay, #gayboi, #kentgay, etc. No one care that you're gay and I'm pretty sure intagram is a terrible way to try and pick up dudes. You also don't need to tag these things on EVERY. PHOTO. IN. YOUR. GALLERY. It's bad enough on your selfies.
  • People whose galleries are ONLY of self portraits. Do you have anything else going on in your life? Or does the world revolve around you?
  • Gratitious tags. If you've already stated your little sister won first place in a competition, you don't need to tag it #firstplace ir #littlesis. Also, #girl, #boy, #hot, #swag, #shirt, #love, #cute, etc. are all equally redundant. Long tags are dumb, too. This isn't tumblr.
  • Bar 145, you're not #noisyneighbors if you're in a metro area where few people actually have their residence, nor are you #noisyneighbors when you're a bar that's open after other businesses have closed.
  • People who have PARAGRAPHS of tags. You're not going to get your photos noticed any quicker like that.
  • Duckface. From anyone. I hate you.

And, sure, my tags might look stupid on first glance before knowing I use them to tag on the sites my Instagram is linked to and, sure, a lot of other people's tags might be for that same purpose. But still, it's unlikely in my book. I'm also sure people on the #kenstate tag sit back and bitch when I spam my book covers, but I don't really care. Just like those people I'm bitching about don't really care. Likewise with my #instagram tag, which tags my posts as such on tumblr so people can ts them. Personal annoyances~

Okay, in things that aren't bitching, which really isn't a great way to kick of an entry, but I swear I'm not all cranky and moody, haha.

Been playing catchup with classwork. Out English teacher gace us all a week to catch up with what's been going on there (which I flaked on all week - go figure - I'm going to have fun cramming three papers into one evening tomorrow). I think I'm caught up on my Media work, except for this week's stuff, but we always do that on the weekend when it's due anyhow.

I reformatted Tony's old laptop to use for myself temporarily. Either my power cord or my battery is on the fritz. Well, actually, I know my battery is going, but recently when I've unplugged and taken my laptop somewhere, plugged it back in, it doesn't want to charge. It'll run on what power is left in the battery, then shut down and turn off. I can try removing the battery and running off just the power cord, but it won't do that. I have to do a song and dance that has absolutely no rhyme or reason to it before the computer will suddenly decide to power back on.

So I need to figure out what that's about.

After I'm done with Tony's old comp, it's probably just going to be used as a place to store movies/videos and stuff.

On Wednesday, we went to see Howie Day at Musica in Akron. Tony wanted to go, so he had picked up tickets a bit back when they went on sale. It was quite nice! He played a lot of songs we know and Tony's pretty much convinced he played Bunnies for him after he shouted it out amongst the sea of voices yelling for Africa.

I only got one good photo, sadly.

Afterwards, we went to Mr. Zub's (which is amazing if you've never been there - all their sandwhiches are based on characters from movies). We try to have something different each time we go (though I often fall back on The Ren McCormack - chicken shawarma) and my post-errand and concert fatigue was craving something ridiculous, so I tried The Duke (roast beef with onion rings, jalapenos, bacon, cheddar cheese, and bbq sauce). I though it was going to be wayy too much of everything, but all the portions within the sandwhich were perfect. The jalapenos were insanely fresh, the BBQ sauce wasn't too sweet, the roast beef was tender and tasty.

Tony got an Ernie McCracken (pastrami, salami, swiss - bit provolone in place of swiss and on a wrap instead of a bagel) and we split it (he got half of my sandwich) and I said eating it was like a religious experience. Their pastrami is so freaking good.

Then we went home and promptly crashed for ten hours. It was a good day.

Tony's stupid Garrus love pillow came today and it's horrible and awful and ew how could anyone like that at all gross.

I'm fully expecting it to be lovingly laid on my side of the bed when I get home from work.


I'm waiting on my white Hujoo Freya that my mom's getting me as an early birthday gift!

Now I'm going to actually have to learn how to do faceups properly (I practiced a little on Desma - the grey Freya I have), because I have a long way to go. But I have all the supplies I need now, so it's just a matter of teaching myself and practicing a whole lot. I also got a pair of Hujoo high heel feet because I want Poe to be able to wear boots and cute shoes. They're the normal flesh color, but it won't be an issue since she'll have stockings or shoes on anyhow.

The white one is going to be Poe and she's going to be just as difficult to paint at Desma is. Because Desma is actually supposed to be black, so I'll have to tweak her design a little so I don't have to completely re-color the Freya body, and she's also supposed to look malnourished and such. Good times. And Poe, well, it's obvious to see the issues with Poe, but I think I'll just have to take her markings on layer at a time and teach my hand not to shake so damn much.

I also have a doll blog for all my ramblings, so I don't spam them on my main tumblr or here: http://ivegotabrandnewkey.tumblr.com/ I'll probably post nice stuff here, when it happens, though. Like it I ever succeed in a faceup...

Now, here's some photo spam in two parts:

[ more at my flickr ]

So the drama tale of Creeper Cat is continuing. A few weeks ago, some folks from the Kent Area Furs list did a little meetup downtown for fursuiting and stuff. I wasn't able to go, but Squeeji went and returned with the verification that Creeper Cat has not changed at all. While there, apparently he:

  • Jumped on her while she was in fursuit. She responded by elbowing him in the stomach.
  • Talked about porn slash fiction from children's shows such as Bear in the Big Blue House and the like.
  • Yowled loudly at people on the streets.

We're having a small art jam/social meetup tonight at Tree City. He's showing up. We've been, on Facebook, trying to press the issue that there's going to be no stupid murry purry bullshit without actually naming him as the issue. I posted a comment that all but calls ( Also, Tree City is a pretty low-key, quiet sort of establishment. Which means no yowling like cats, talking about things you shouldn't be discussing in polite conversation (incest, fetishes, slash fiction, the like...), and no jumping/pouncing/glomping/touching people without their permission. I feel like these things shouldn't have to be stated, but they do. So don't do this crap and act like a normal person.) him out by name, but I know we're STILL going to have issues and after today, NOPE. Not putting up with it at all and he will not be welcome at any meetup things we put together.

Okay, aside from that and to wrap things up, one more thing!

I didn't complete LetterMo, but that's okay. I sent out replies and I still have some to send. I'll probably keep sending out letters to people as I work through my address list and when I have a little time to spare to write letters. I got some lovely letters and it's really such a fun thing to do anyhow~

I had a lot of fun making cute envelopes and decorating them, as well as putting little photos into each of the letters and stuff~

[ crossposted from dreamwidth ➙ you can also view it there ]

hobby: lettermo, personal: venting, personal: college, adventure: concert, fandom: mass effect, hobby: instagram, hobby: ball joint dolls, fandom: furry, hobby: photos, !crosspost

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