how the muscle, bone, and sinews tangled

Nov 11, 2012 22:12

 Two months between entries makes me have to go back through things and see what I've done to talk about. I'm constantly forgetting stuff, despite things happening. It's ridiculous.

Obama came to campus back in September and, while Tony and I weren't able to get tickets, it was pretty cool that it happened. Also, glad the election is finally over and I don't have to deal with hearing about it and being bombarded with election coverage and campaign commercials. I'm not a political person, so presidential election season is always tiresome for me, especially living in a college town and working on campus.

I dyed my hair purple/black. It'd starting to fade to a blue color, so I'll have to do something with it again soon. I think I'm going to go back to brown for a short while, maybe until spring, then I'll do something colorful with it again.

(also, new Supernatural shirt!)
Classes have been going well. I've been keeping up pretty well with my homework and stuff, though tonight I have to do my Excel Exam for my COMT class and, tomorrow, I have to bust ass and write a scene analysis essay for my writing class. I doubt it's going to be too difficult, but it's due on Tuesday and I've just been procrastinating on it.

Work has been work, easy but a little boring. But I've been meeting new people and I do like that.

I'm doing NaNoWriMo again this year and I've been keeping up really well with the wordcount! I'm actually doing two stories, just to give myself the option of switching between two different genres. I've been updating pretty much daily over on my NaNo tumblr: lacearoundthewound

I haven't been drawing at all. I keep wanting to, but then I tell myself I should be writing instead. That's okay, though, I'll get back to it sooner or later. I do have a Weasyl, however! I donated to the Kickstarter (or whatever it was) and got an invite to the beta. I really like it so far, so much cleaner and nice than FA.

Tony's birthday was subdued, we really didn't have much money to do anything and, for awhile, it was cold and miserable and bleh. Halloween made up for it a bit, though, we went downtown and Tony wore his tauntaun fursuit. We met up with Jeff, from the Kent Area Furs list and wandered around downtown looking for Squeeji and Elliott and Angie who ended up being in the one place we hadn't gone: Euro Gyro. But it was a good time regardless, we had some drinks and they both got their pictures taken by lots of the Asian students.

And now, a picspam of Instagram pictures:

So, overall, things have been pretty good. Money's been tight, but it always is around this time of year. I'm hoping to hear from the bookstore soon and, when I start back there, I'll have a paycheck every week (since the bookstore paydays and the campus paydays are opposite each other), which will be pretty awesome. I'd like to actually be able to buy Christmas gifts this year, y'know?

[ crossposted from dreamwidth ➙ you can also view it there ]

personal: job, hobby: nanowrimo, personal: college, pets: cats, hobby: instagram, !gpoy, hobby: photos, !crosspost

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