Frustration, new phones, and artwork~

Apr 09, 2012 22:33

Things have been generally frustrating over the last week.


Really generally frustrating. Exorbitantly generally frustrating.

Last week, we got a certified letter from the insurance agency Tony and his mom go through. It was a letter from his mother, saying that she's taking him off the insurance as of the 18th because of 'lack of contact'. Or something like that. Not returning calls, something stupid and untrue.

We haven't heard from his mom in over a month. We think what happened was, when I called to thank her for the money she sent us awhile back, I was in the basement on campus when we didn't have internet - the place that gets crap reception. I, in all likelihood, I got to the voicemail, and it crapped out mid-message. She likely assumes we're unappreciative assholes, which we are not.

So she's cancelling Tony's insurance. Which means we'll be without until summer money comes in May. This isn't the end of the world, but it means we have to go in to Warren before the 18th and get his title and shit, since Al kept the original title and, naturally, lost it. This is, of course, going to be done with the whole zero money we have currently. Which is awesome. My mom's sending me birthday money, which is basically going into the gas tank so we can go to the Rasputina concert on Wednesday (which tickets were bought months ago for) and a trip into Warren. Hurrah.

I actually don't mind my birthday money going into the gas tank, I just mind having to go in and deal with Warren.

So there's that, right? Pretty big inconvenience, but we can talk this out, right?


I called Tony's mom the day we got the letter, asking to talk and explain what it was about. We get a call back the next day, they hang up when Tony answers. I call back, Al answers the phone. Says Tony's mom isn't around, asks to take a message. I say it's nothing in particular, just to call us when she gets the chance. He asks if it's about the insurance, I promptly tell him I would prefer to talk to Karen about that. He hangs up on me.


Karen, of course, never calls back. This morning, I call her to ask her to call me back, again. She calls back, Tony answers. She hangs up. Calls back again, leaves a message (I was on the phone dealing with something else, which I'll get to in a moment). THREE MESSAGES saying to call Violet (the insurance agent) and she'll explain everything to us.


But these people can't work outside of this childish mindset, apparently.


The cell phones.

We discovered we could upgrade our phones in March, instead of August, like we originally thought. Awesome, we think, why don't we see what phones are free. You know, because we're broke and don't want to add anything to the bill. So we check out what's free and settle on Droid Incredible 2's. Nothing added to the bill, nothing changed on the bill. We place the order - as I have access to the online account, so we could see how much data usage and everything that we use. You know, so we don't get charged anything extra.

The day after I place the order, I send Karen a text - which I know she can receive - telling her not to freak out if anything with the phones is changed, nothing's been charged to the account, we just upgraded our devices for new ones, since the old ones have been butts lately. In short, don't worry about the phones, but that's what's going on, so you know.

Phones get shipped out, supposedly two day shipping. Weekened and holiday turn it into four. Whatever.

The bill gets paid on the 6th and, apparently, SO DOES THE RECEIPENT ADDRESS. The original order had them coming to us, in Kent, obviously. We were like hawks over the FedEx tracking page to see when it would be out for delivery, since we had an appointment this morning and didn't want to miss it, as it needed a signature. The FedEx page updates at 7:35AM with a failed delivery message, which cannot be possible, as they don't start delivering until 8AM - AT THE EARLIEST.

So we wait a tic, after calling FedEx to get clarification (where we're told someone changed the address it's going to), to see if it updates with out for delivery. It never updates.

Cue at least two hours of phone tag with Verizon and FedEx, trying to make sure the box is either going to be held there, if I'm able to pick it up, if I'm able to change the address, etc., etc. It was ridiculous.

Eventually, I was able to set myself as an account manager on the Verizon account, so I could get the address changed. Something which was, between this afternoon and now, undone by certain parties in Warren. Whatever, I got what I wanted, so I don't need that level on the account anymore.

But I know they're sitting there in Warren having a conniption because they probably think we're doing stupid shit with the account, despite telling them otherwise and them not even being adult enough to give us a call.

Eventually, we were able to drive out to the FedEx location and pick up the package just fine. But good lord.

On top of all this, we discovered the Salvation Army can't help us because of the wrong bank account issue on the electric. Since it counts as a bounced check. I don't know what the fuck to do about that. I think HEAP should be able to help, but that's still $275 we have to find for electric, plus $525 for rent. I start work in about two weeks (around the 22nd), but I won't have a paycheck until May. It's so frustrating.

I'm just really pissed my birthday has been overshadowed by all this bullshit. Not that I need/want it to be some spectacular thing, but it's frustrating and enraging when I'm so stressed out over things that I can't enjoy one day. My mom's been really sensitive/weird on Facebook lately, too. Just taking things out of context and telling me she thinks I'm 'mean' 'on purpose' because I don't thank her for every little thing she does for me. UGH. Just frustrating.


Game night was awesome. Angie invited her friend Ryan (so now there's two Ryan's at game night), which was a good move. There's six of us now, which makes the games we play pretty interesting. Bang! still takes forever, for some reason, though...

Our phones are really nice! It's going to take a long time to get used to the virtual keyboard over the old physical keyboard on the Pixi, though. I have fatty fat fingers, so they don't take well to it. I want to root it, but I don't know if I'm going to yet. I modded the Pixi's and they were just fine (bricking's hard to accomplish unless you're fundamentally retarded). There's just SO MANY useless apps and stuff on the phone that I was gone. So I'll mull it over, but I'll likely end up doing it anyhow.

I've been drawing! I know, big occassion.

Sahariel; Terrance, Emily, Sahariel; Sitara; Sahariel; Poe

It feels good to be drawing again, even if they're just little art cards and headshots. It's a start, right? Also trying to accomplish faces. It's hard. Like, math hard. But I'm trying.

That sketch one, I'm working on coloring, but Terrance and Emily don't even have their designs down, so that's a fun little adventure in and of itself.

I've been posting stuff like this regularly on my artblog, too:

I've got an Instagram now! (of course I do) My username is, of course, 'obliviousally'. I take lots of pictures of my cats. Naturally. But it's just SO. NICE. to have a phone with a good camera again. the Pixi's camera sucked so hard, but the Droid cameras are really nice. It's easier to whip my phone out and take a picture of something, than make sure i have camera batteries, make sure they're charged, make sure I have the camera with me, dig it out of my bag, take photo, wait to come home and transfer it to the computer and upload it wherever. I love my camera, but it can be a hassle.

Sam, Finnick, Snickers, Dean, Finnick, and my wall.

I also installed Words With Friends and Draw Something, but I haven't done anything with them yet, since they're both Zynga and connected to Facebook. I don't want that cluttering up my feed, so I'll probably do those a little later so I can set proper permissions.

So! Anyone with a Droid phone have any app suggestions? Should I absolutely root my phone? Anything I should know of/avoid doing? :O

Also! If anyone wants to throw me their number, feel free to message me (here, Facebook, wherever). I don't tend to import my old contacts to new phones, it's one of the few things I 'start fresh' on so I don't have a lot of clutter and all.

cats, rants, photos, art

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