The monthly update...

Feb 23, 2012 13:11

I don't update as much as I used to, which is kind of sad. It's not that I'm not doing stuff, I am, but I'm just a lazy ass, I guess. I suppose I don't feel like my roleplaying or fangirling is worth posting here, when I can dump that in the appropriate places (forums and tumblr, respectively).

Because of that, this is going to be really long. I'm not cutting it. Prepare yourselves.

School's been...going. My classes are so dreadfully boring this semester. I'd rather take web design classes forever, because at least I enjoy that and it's teaching me new things. I'm taking Art and Music as a World Phenomenon (two separate classes, same title, essentially). The art class is just boring. Easy, but boring. We have a project due in about three weeks where we have to make some kind of art thing, take progress shots of it, and write a FIVE TO EIGHT PAGE PAPER ON OUR PROCESS. I don't know how to get five to eight pages out of 'I sketched this, I inked it digitally, I colored it digitally, then I spent two hours finding the right textures to overlay'. I mean. That's my process. Maybe I'll get creative and write my paper like a story or something. Maybe that'll get my extra points.

My music class is just...forgettable. I rented the textbook in the form of an ebook from Chegg, but it turns out I don't even get the streaming option for the music CDs that I needed with it. So I can't even do the listening journals we're supposed to do and, essentially, I'm bullshitting my way through each discussion. We also have an essay due in that class, too. But I don't think it's due until the end of the semester.

Overall, I'm just un-enthused with school this semester. Which is sad because I really do love taking classes, but when they're boring, no one wins.

I'm done at the bookstore until the end of the semester. I keep thinking they want to keep me on. One of the ladies really likes me and they called me in at the beginning of the month to help with inventory, which was a surprise. Easy as hell, too. I've hear rumor swirling that a few people are planning on leaving at the end of the semester (graduating, moving on with careers, that kind of thing). So I'm hoping that's the case and they'll want to hire me in. Because, honestly, I really do love the job and I like everyone that works there.

I also don't think I mentioned, but I got secret shopped while I was working one morning after buybacks and I got 80/70 points. The only thing that was negative was that I didn't have my name badge on at the time. The secret shopper really gushed about how helpful, friendly, and knowledgeable I was about the textbooks and the rental process. I ended up getting pulled aside and congratulated by the store manager, the assistant manager, and the textbooks manager. So that really reflects well on me, which is awesome.

I'm job hunting now, though. Or trying to. It's tough. Since Kent is such a small town, jobs are gobbled up pretty quickly. It's near impossible to get out to Chapel Hill, as well. It involved taking the one lone Metro bus that comes into Stow out to the transit center in Akron, then paying for a bus to the mall. And that doesn't even guarantee my getting home, since the PARTA buses stop running around 11PM and I'm unsure when the last Metro Stow Express comes into Stow anyhow. So it's frustrating.

As an aside, I just discovered that if you hit CTRL and the <-- arrow, you can jump to the beginning of the word your cursor is closest to. Huh.

But other than that, I've been spending a lot of time trying to get active again, since the weather's been nice and all. We've had such a mild winter, it's a little scary. But I've been feeling awfully fat and I'm still carrying weight from when I was really depressed and stressed back in November. I ate. A lot. I got to the point, just the other day, where I was so sick of seeing my extra gut that I actually bought an item of shapewear. While I feel kind of ashamed about it, it does make me feel better and it does suck my stomach in. So I guess the trade off is worth it.

It's like, I don't mind being a little pudgy. But there's a line between being a little pudgy and catching a glimpse of your shadow and it looking like you're pregnant. I do not want anyone thinking the latter about me, nor do I want to see that image.

I suppose, if 80% of my diet didn't consist of sweets and junk food, I wouldn't be in this situation. When the weather's nice, I can balance it out, since I walk and bike everywhere in the warmer months. But once winter hits, I just want comfort food and to hibernate until the cold and snow is gone. But when the weather's warmer, I'm more apt to eat lighter stuff, like fruit and veggies and the like.


We acquired a bunch of furniture from next door the other day.

So remember how our internet disappeared for about a month or so? Well, we'd been leeching off the neighbor's wifi connection because they'd never locked it. It was alright, we were able to do normal internet stuff and we didn't have to pay for it. Well, it disappeared one day and we thought they'd moved things around or something and hadn't re-connected it. Turns out, they moved out. Hallelujah! They were obnoxious anyhow and had a dog that just wasn't socialized and would run out into the driveway because they refused to shorten his leash.

They left a bunch of furniture. Phil (the landlord's assistant) was over cleaning the place out and asked if I wanted a peek inside. Absolutely, I said, because I wanted to see if the other side was nicer than ours, since it was bigger. It's not. They left it pretty ragged, holes in the walls, writing all over the place, it needs a lot of work. While looking around, I saw there was a lot of furniture left, including a dresser and nice wardrobe, which is something we'd been wanting to acquire, but didn't want to spend money on. So I asked what was going on with them, and Phil said he'd get back to me.

A few days later, Phil asks what we want from over there. We acquired: a small four-drawer dresser, a small wardrobe (though I think it's actually a cabinet television stand) with two drawers, a black three-piece set that includes a computer desk, a television stand, and a small nightstand. PLUS, a nice little desk with lots of drawers.

Beforehand, Phil had mentioned that the huge entertainment center in the living room was probably going to stay with the apartment. It's, like, six feet tall. It's immense. The day I was moving furniture, he said Scott (the landlord) wasn't sure what he was doing with it. So I told him if Scott doesn't want it, I'll break it down and take it off their hands.

Day after, I spend the morning breaking down this beast, moving it over to our side of the house, then cleaning the living room and rebuilding it. The floor in the living room is tilted, however, so the stand sits slightly askew, but it's well-secured, at least. It makes the living room look livable!

Considering we were going to spend $25 on a nice coffee table at Goodwill the same day, I think we made out much better in the end.

Speaking of the apartment over there, we're crossing our fingers that they won't be done fixing it up for a few months (which is what's tentatively expected - they're thinking about gutting and remodeling the kitchen) so that Squeeji and Elliot can move in. Which would be crazy awesome and a huge step up from, you know, South Dakota. Especially since they're planning on coming down after the school year is over to look for places, it would certainly be better if the place was just right next door. So we're all crossing our fingers that they're going to remodel the kitchen, at the very least.

I've been drawing again, which has been nice. It hasn't been much, but it's a start. My sleeping schedule's been all fucked up, so I'm usually up really early in the morning and I've been going down to the new coffee shop downtown (Tree City, if anyone's wondering) with just a sketchbook and my phone for music and just drawing as much as I can. It's been a good thing, I think.

Sahariel, my shiba inu angel guy; Magdalena, a pharaoh hound; Fern, for part of an art trade with starinthegutter/loadedpistol@FA

I've been trying to just...not care about specific shit in my art. Not get so hung up on all the nitpicky stuff and try to get back to drawing just for the sake of drawing. At least getting the idea and the sketch down. I can refine things later, after all. It's been hard.

Um. What else has been going on?

I've been roleplaying a lot. On both my own boards and other places. I moved The Roadhouse from InvisionFree to Jcink and I'm so much happier with it. The latter just has so many more options for a roleplay forum.

I wish I could get some more interest in Manticore Rising. I moved it over to Jcink and activity just kind of...died. I've been advertising, but another Dark Angel board popped up recently, so I'm waiting to see how that one's received to see if it's just the obscure fandom or what. It's frustrating, that's for sure.

Furrality's been quiet, but I didn't expect it to get a lot of activity, though that would be nice. I'm a lot more lax with applications and stuff there, in comparison to my other two boards. Plus, it's a nice place to play furries/anthros without being barraged with sex and smut, unlike Tapestries or, well, anywhere else furry roleplay exists.

I also put together a board for Squeeji and Co.: Gargoyles Among Us, which is based on Disney's Gargoyles. There's been some interest, but not a lot of activity yet.

I've been trying to slowly...slowly categorize and do write-ups on my characters over on my personal board. It's...slow going, really, but it's something I do enjoy doing anyhow.

So...that's about what's been going on lately. Herp derp.

I shall leave you with a blurry picture of me looking unamused in my new Bodyline skirt:

I'm sooooooooo happy I got this skirt, though. I'm doubly happy that the corset isn't attached (which I could have discovered if I'd read the page better), so I can wear the two separately, or the skirt just by itself. It's also a lot pinker than the picture (both here and on the actual website) makes it out to be, but not overwhelmingly pink. The stripes are pink, maroon, red, etc. I have to relocate the buttons for the corset to be comfortable, though.

Essentially, this is what I plan on wearing to see Rasputina for my birthday in two months~

roleplaying, forums, job: bookstore, art

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