In which it's almost 3AM and I just woke up a few hours ago.

Jun 17, 2011 02:39

Things acquired the other day while out and about because I got some of my monies~

DARK ANGEL VIDEO GAME. It's supposedly SO BAD. It was only $5 at the local Exchange, so I figured it'd be good for a laugh. Also, $7 adorable fucking booties because they actually fit me and I've been wanting a pair. I wasn't sure how I'd feel about the heel, but they fit me comfortably for only being 8.5 (I'm about a 9 now, for some reason) and the heel is clunky enough that I don't worry about toppling over. I wore them out today for about six or so hours while at the mall/whevever and they didnt even hurt or rub against my heels/ankles. Awesome~

Also got some ~old school~ CDs from the 10 for $10 bins. Soul Asylum's Let Your Dim Light Shine, Tony Rich Project's Words, the Batman & Robin soundtrack, and a ridiculous club mix CD. Ahhh, high school nostalgia. I also thought I'd bought Ollabelle's self-titled album but...I can't seem to find it. Hrm.

We got home and out shirts from RIPT arrived~

It's my new favorite thing (along with those booties, and they match!). It's also quite sad when the fan-made merchandise for a show is better than the official stuff. Le sigh.

I've been working on forum stuff...

This will probably open before my Dark Angel one does. I'm being a bit pickier/anal about that one because I want it to be good/interesting, since there's only one other Dark Angel board in existence and...I personally don't like it all that much. Something about it rubs me the wrong way for some reason, I don't know. Besides, it's good to have options anyhow.

If anyone who's into Supernatural wants to poke around it, feel free. I'm still fine-tuning things and I can always use suggestions or advice.

I need to make a canon list or something. Revise the Canon Characters topic to show who's available/reserved/taken and the like. I like having a one-stop directory for characters (with avatars~), so people don't have to comb through the Character Index forum itself. I also need to determine the canons I want listed or those who will fit in with the plot/haven't died yet. But I'm also not opposed to logical character ressurections, since they happen canonly anyhow. Like, say, Bela, for instance (she'd be a demon, though, natch).

I still need to make some group markers. Monsters, Mortals. I'm aiming for broad titles here, really. So far it's Admin, Hunters, Demons, and Angels for group titles. Monsters would be anything that's a supernatural creature. Mortals, of course, normal humans. I'm also allowing psychic abilities, as long as they're useful/not overpowered because, well, Missouri and Pamela, of course. Most psychic abilities aren't out of the range of the show.

So, yeah. If anyone's interested, feel free to jab me! It'd be great to get some people in early, which would help me iron out any weirdness and such. Even if you're not into forum roleplaying or the show, if you could just poke around and see how things look from an outside persepective, that'd be awesome too. Any viewpoint are useful for me~ I've tried to make things really accessible, so you don't have to hunt all over for them and all that.

Anthrocon is in a week. I'm looking forward to seeing people I haven't seen in almost two years! Crazy. I'm also looking forward to making fun of furries, delicious deli food, and possibly Sushi Kim's.

I don't know what I'm going to do without doing the Artist Alley this year! Well, aside from getting to sleep in for a bit. No 7AM wake up for me! But all that free time, crazy. But I won't be fretting over not making back admission or hotel price or whatever, I guess.

If I get real motivated (HA!), maybe I'll put something in the Art Show, if there's space available and it's halfway decent. I guess I'll see.

Really, I'm just happy for a mini 'vacation', to be honest.

I have to do laundry, hopefully today. Like, EVERYTHING needs washed and I finally have cash. Thank goodness.

We're also going up to campus later this afternoon for gaming and a small meetup with jevin, which should be fun!

fashion: general, convention: anthrocon, forums, roleplaying: supernatural, roleplaying: general, games: general

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