Things and stuff and things.

Mar 07, 2011 17:26


Firstly: I have ~Pokemon White~. My info, if you want to add me to your Pal Pad is: Ally, 2322 5446 3360

My webtech course for this semester is finished. I didn't realize it was only a seven week course until about halfway through. But whatever, same amount of credits, same legit grade. I got a final grade of a B, as well. If the teacher had used +/- grades, I would have had an A-. Lame.

I registered for Summer classes. Hopefully with only being three credit hours this semester, that didn't fuck up my financial aid. I haven't heard anything yet, but I'm waiting for bad news. If none comes, all the better.

ST:BAKING AND PASTRY FUNDMNTLS | MTWRF | 9:00 am - 2:00 pm | May 16, 2011 - Jun 03, 2011
THE ART OF THE THEATRE | Web COURSE | Jul 11, 2011 - Aug 13, 2011
VISUAL DESIGN LITERACY | Web COURSE | Jun 06, 2011 - Jul 09, 2011

I'm taking that Baking and Pastry class on a whim. I hope it'll be a fluff class and not SRS BSNS. Plus, it'll make me wake up reguarly and do something every day, which I'll be happy for in the summer. The other two are online courses, obviously. One to get an old class out of the way (one of the ones I had taken at Stark that I couldn't complete) and another for more VCD stuff until I can declare it as my major - if I even do.

I cut my hair the other day. I was too impatient to wait to go to the salon, go figure.

It has, now, however, taken on a very Joan Jett-ish look, which I'm cool with. My bang absolutely have no care what I want them to do, so I let them do whatever.

[ click through to page ]

Since I'm done with my webtech course, I don't feel a great hate towards CSS anymore. Mainly because I'm not being forced to code things and also because I finally GET IT. It was really a revelation.

So, I decided to re-code my headpeople/character chart page. It was originally all tables and rounded corner images and stuff that I'd picked up from other people to use. It was a pain in the ass to add new entries overall. Now, it's much nicer.

If people like it, the code is up on pastebin. I may update it as I refine things, however. But it's the basics as is right now.

I also made this thing last night. It's for an RP comm Angie, Tony and I have. I just sometimes like doing dumb things in InDesign because it's fun.

I don't think I posted the SPN character sheet? I can't remember if I did or not, so here it is (possibly again).

Aaaand, to close this out, here's some graphics I've made:

graphics: general, fandom: supernatural, design, college

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