Yesterday was goooorgeous. TJ and I went out walking and we took the bus out to Stow to pick up a few things we needed for the house. I finally found GOOD non-photo blue pencils (I know Prismacolor carries them, but they're too soft.) with a nice hard lead. So that makes me pleased, since my old non-photo blue pencil is maybe two inches long now. Also stopped at the head shop to look at the price of pipes (a late birthday gift for my mother, not for myself), but I think I'll need to save or wait a little before buying her a nice one.
I've had all of the windows in the house open. Including some creative uses for the broken down critter cage we have (the wire panels come apart and they fit PERFECTLY in our windows) so the cats don't get on the roof or poke around outside and risk falling. They're good about not trying to be stupid on the windowsills when they're open without a 'screen', but I wanted to leave the windows open while we were gone, so it was a good solution.
Plus, the squirrel that lives in our attic can't get IN the house either.
I bought some more seeds that I need to plant. Pumpkin, cherry tomato and cantaloupe. :3 I'd like to do strawberries, as well, but they tend to GROW all over the place. I want baby corn, as well. But I haven't found it anywhere yet.
Last night we BBQ'd and pulled the Tv out on the porch to watch Supernatural. I'm sure the neighborhood appreciated our squealing and screaming. Then I remember we live in a college town and there's more shrieking at 3AM than any other time. But it was nice and it's nice to actually have a porch to hang out and bullshit on.
Today, we'll probably be outside a lot. I THINK we're gonna be huge nerds and go down to the riverwalk and LARP. We've been playing the Supernatural RPG and we're pretty HUGE fags, so it's likely to happen.
I'm going to my mom's for Easter on Sunday. Probably going to wait until AFTER to tell her about Sabrina so she doesn't get upset.
My birthday is on the 8th.
I have two essays I need to do for class next week. One is due on Monday. I haven't even started. Then again, it's really my fault because I intended on going up to the library and getting books and doing it BEFORE last weekend, but I didn't. Plus, it was nasty and rainy for a few days there. Ick.
Still jobless, though I have a few new places that are actually hiring to put applications in at. Because, believe me, I need whatever work I can get. I'm getting tired of having to bum money off of people for gas just to get to class during the week.
I've been thinking about maybe selling prints of my photography for some extra cash. Because god knows I need it. Plus, I do have quite a few good shots.
Still trying to sell (CHEAP) originals over on
Etsy. I don't have any extra money to get more fabric and such needed for my bags and stuff, unfortunately, so that won't be happening for a little while.
Blah blah, this post kinda went downhill really fast. D: I know why that is, but...still. :/