1) lol, ur friggin tall! lmao. as if u dont hear this from everyone. but seriously, STOP GROWING!-.-' im so short, lol. oh, and socom iz kewl. lmao 2) Monty Python movies becuz ur ALWAYZ wearing the shirts and we watched the holy grail at ur house. 3) hmmmm....flavor? well, i doubt i wanna wrestle u in jello, but if i HAD to, id pick blue becuz idk...it seems appropriate. lol. but seriously tho, u kno id totally win the wrestling thing. lmao 4) Michael Jackson, O.J., Eric, Bubba, Camping, Basket-ball....need i say more?! lmao. also..."They NEVER hear it!" lol. =D what do u say to that, "Jayson"? =D (PAUL LIVES!!!! ::maniacal laughter::) 5) we met in science class at the end of 7th grade. u sat a couple seats away, and i believe we actually met randomly becuz i complained about some work we had to do, and u and anthony agreed. well....mostly u, becuz ant was a big old nerd back then. =PP 6) well, ur more of a plant than an animal....tree, lol. but if u were an animal, id say u would have to be.....a llama. lol. remember when llama's tried to take over the world? lol. EVILLL!!!! heh heh. 7 ...ive always wondered how many g/f's uve had. lol, seriously, for some reason, i never asked. also, whaddaya want for a birthday gift? lol. also, whats the most awesome dream u have ever had. i kno that ones a lil weird, but hey, i wondered it like, 5 seconds ago, so there =PP.
lmao, THEY NEVER HEARD IT!!! and the michael jackson, bubba, eric, and ant.. bball, wow thats bringing back memories. wait, i never asked you, DID U EVER GET THAT TAPE FROM MRS. AMES?????? crap! we forgot to get it when we helping her... lol well anyways, to answer ur g/f question (dun dun dun) ive had a few ppl and a few times that could be considered it, but it was never called anything official( from annonomous names incase they somehow read this).. but true actual g/f's.... the one i have now, heather.. ONE!! thats my 'playa' answer to you, offically that it lol for my bday i want another pony and a llama for a friend.. and why am i a llama as an animal?!?!?!?!?! wtf!? im not evvvvi... ok maybe i am, but just a little. latas, "JaYsoN" lmao i want to push the "check spelling" button on this, but i really dont want to see whats wrong.......
wow! lol i did and looook what i got wrong, and some of the corrections
1) well, this isnt really "random", per say, but U NEED A HAIR CUT! lol, also, i have decided to take you in as my pupil =P. 2)id definately have to say The emperor's new groove becuz of the quote "Yay! im a llama again!" lmao, u do it sooooo well! 3)like i said for Jason, i doubt i'd wanna wrestle u, but id probably have to say....four...yes, definately four. =D 4)"Gene, dont just stand there! do something!.....Other than bleed!!" ::random movements:: lmfao 5)first memory?! lmao well, i believe it was when u took my goth boots and tried it on. lol. also, the first time i saw u i thought u would be someone i wouldnt like to talk to, but it ended up being the complete opposite! lmao. oh, and i thought ur hair was rediculously long BACK THEN! lol! 6)animal aye? id have to say.....anerexic big-foot. lmfao! dont ask me why, its the first thing to come to mind! =DD 7)something ive always wanted to know? thats a good one becuz i think i kno most everything about u that ive ever wondered. heh, ive been sitting here for the past 10 mins thinking of a question....uhhhh.....got milk? lmao. j/p. got any chicks out there that u have your eye on? lmao. if so, who?!?!?! tell me in E-Mail!!! sbissramhdc@bellsouth.net
1) this isnt "random" but....U NEED A HAIR CUT!!! lmao. 2) id have to say "the emporer's new groove" becuz o the quote "Yay! im a llama again!" lol! u do that sooooo well! 3) well, like i said to jason, i seriously doubt id wanna wrestle u, but flavor? hmmmm...id have to say four....yes, definately four. =P 4) "Gene, dot just stand there! DO something!....Other than bleed!! ::random movements:: 5) lol, it was at lunch when u took my goth boot and wore it and was all "HOLY CRAP!" lmao. i also thought u wouldnt be someone i would like to talk to, but it ended being the complete opposite!! lmao. oh, and i swear, your hair was ALIVE!!! 6) lmfao! an annerexic sasquach!! LMFAO!!! dont ask me y or how i came up with THAT one. it was the first thing to come to mind!! its mostly becuz of ur hair tho. 7) well, its hard to say, becuz i think i have asked u everything i had ever wanted to kno about u. hmmmmm......OOO! got any girlz u got ur eye on?! if so, who?!?! tell me thru e-mail! sbissramhdc@bellsouth.net
1) lol, ur friggin tall! lmao. as if u dont hear this from everyone. but seriously, STOP GROWING!-.-' im so short, lol. oh, and socom iz kewl. lmao
2) Monty Python movies becuz ur ALWAYZ wearing the shirts and we watched the holy grail at ur house.
3) hmmmm....flavor? well, i doubt i wanna wrestle u in jello, but if i HAD to, id pick blue becuz idk...it seems appropriate. lol. but seriously tho, u kno id totally win the wrestling thing. lmao
4) Michael Jackson, O.J., Eric, Bubba, Camping, Basket-ball....need i say more?! lmao. also..."They NEVER hear it!" lol. =D what do u say to that, "Jayson"? =D (PAUL LIVES!!!! ::maniacal laughter::)
5) we met in science class at the end of 7th grade. u sat a couple seats away, and i believe we actually met randomly becuz i complained about some work we had to do, and u and anthony agreed. well....mostly u, becuz ant was a big old nerd back then. =PP
6) well, ur more of a plant than an animal....tree, lol. but if u were an animal, id say u would have to be.....a llama. lol. remember when llama's tried to take over the world? lol. EVILLL!!!! heh heh.
7 ...ive always wondered how many g/f's uve had. lol, seriously, for some reason, i never asked. also, whaddaya want for a birthday gift? lol. also, whats the most awesome dream u have ever had. i kno that ones a lil weird, but hey, i wondered it like, 5 seconds ago, so there =PP.
for my bday i want another pony and a llama for a friend.. and why am i a llama as an animal?!?!?!?!?! wtf!? im not evvvvi... ok maybe i am, but just a little.
latas, "JaYsoN" lmao i want to push the "check spelling" button on this, but i really dont want to see whats wrong.......
wow! lol i did and looook what i got wrong, and some of the corrections
Suggestions:lmao Lao, Mao, lam, lamp, Lima, lama, limo, Lamb, lamb, lame, Lalo, Laos, Mai, lap, Alamo, Lamar, Lemar, LA, La, MA, MO, Mo, la, lams, lo, ma, mo, Limbo, Lyman, lamas, limbo, leap, llano, Alma, Elma, Elmo, alma
bubba bub ba, bub-ba, bub, Bibby, Babb, bubo, Bulba, hubba, Bobbe, Bobbi, Bobby, Buber, bobby, Bab, Bib, bib, Bibbie, bubs, BBB, Bibi, bub's, bubble, bubbly, burbs, Bob, Nubia, bob, nubby, Babbie, Bobbee, Bobbie, bulb, Abba, Cuba, Ebba, Yuba, tuba
bball Ball, ball, bb all, bb-all, bbl, Bealle, Baal, Bail, Bale, Bali, Bell, Bill, bail, bale, bawl, bell, bill, boll, bull, Beale, bailly, balk, balls, Bela, baller, bl, blah, bola, Babel, Baily, Bella, Belle, Billi, Billy, babel, baler, bayly, belle, belly, billy, bully, all
lol Lil, Lola, loll, LL, ll, lo, Lou, Loy, low, AOL, COL, Col, Lon, Lot, Pol, Sol, Vol, col, fol, lob, log, lop, lot, pol, sol, vol
ppl Pol, pol, pl, PP, pp, pal, Cpl, cpl, PPS, ppm, ppr, PLO, Pole, Polo, Poul, pole, poll, polo, pool
annonomous anonymous, antonymous, autonomous, unanimous, synonymous
incase Incas, encase, Inca's, in case, in-case, inc ase, inc-ase, inca se, inca-se, incs, Inc's, incise, uncased, incurs
playa plays, play, player, plaza, plat, platy, ply, Talya, played, Plath, Plato, papaya, planar, plate, ploys
offically officially, focally, official, apically, efficacy, epically, ovally, ethically, offal
lol Lil, Lola, loll, LL, ll, lo, Lou, Loy, low, AOL, COL, Col, Lon, Lot, Pol, Sol, Vol, col, fol, lob, log, lop, lot, pol, sol, vol
bday Bay, Day, bay, day, Bray, bray, beady, bad, Brady, Nady, Bat, bat, body
wtf wt, WFF, ft, RF, Rf, TD, F, T, f, t, TWA, Twp, two, twp, TV, waif, wife, woof, AF, CF, Cf, HF, Hf, NF, SF, TA, TB, TM, TN, TX, Ta, Tb, Tc, Te, Ti, Tl, Tm, Ty, VF, WV, YT, bf, cf, ff, hf, if, of, pf, sf, ti, tn, to, tr, ts, TEFL, Ted, ref
im I'm, IMO, om, um, MI, mi, IBM, IMF, imp, ism, IN, In, in, aim, I, M, i, m, AM, Am, EM, Em, am, em, Jim, Kim, Sim, Tim, dim, him, rim, vim, IA, IE, Ia, Io, Ir, MM, Wm, ii, mm, BM, Cm, FM, Fm, GM, HM, ID, IL, IQ, IT, IV, It, NM, PM, Pm, QM, Sm, TM, Tm, cm, gm, id, if, is, it, iv, ix, km, nm, pm, rm
latas lats, Lat's, lat as, lat-as, Leta's, Lita's, lards, lattes, Lt's, lads, lets, lots, lamas, laths, lavas, Lot's, lad's, lades, lauds, let's, lites, lot's, lotus, lutes, Alta's, altars, lasts, Kata's, Lara's, Latia's, alts, Lady's, Lars, Letta's, Lotta's, lady's, lairds, laity's, lard's, lass, lays, Lassa, Lat, Latinas, altos, las, lat, leads, loads, loots, louts, Ats, Latasha, Latins, Lay's, latest, Kat's, Lana's, Mata's, Nata's, Tatars, blats, data's, flats, lama's, lanais, larks, lated, lath's, lathes, latish, lava's, plats, slats
lmao Lao, Mao, lam, lamp, Lima, lama, limo, Lamb, lamb, lame, Lalo, Laos, Mai, lap, Alamo, Lamar, Lemar, LA, La, MA, MO, Mo, la, lams, lo, ma, mo, Limbo, Lyman, lamas, limbo, leap, llano, Alma, Elma, Elmo, alma
dont dint, don't, donut, do nt, do-nt, font, DOT, Don, Dot, don, dot, Ont, dent, Dona, Donn, dona, done, Dons, Mont, cont, dolt, dong, dons, dost, wont
1) well, this isnt really "random", per say, but U NEED A HAIR CUT! lol, also, i have decided to take you in as my pupil =P.
2)id definately have to say The emperor's new groove becuz of the quote "Yay! im a llama again!" lmao, u do it sooooo well!
3)like i said for Jason, i doubt i'd wanna wrestle u, but id probably have to say....four...yes, definately four. =D
4)"Gene, dont just stand there! do something!.....Other than bleed!!" ::random movements:: lmfao
5)first memory?! lmao well, i believe it was when u took my goth boots and tried it on. lol. also, the first time i saw u i thought u would be someone i wouldnt like to talk to, but it ended up being the complete opposite! lmao. oh, and i thought ur hair was rediculously long BACK THEN! lol!
6)animal aye? id have to say.....anerexic big-foot. lmfao! dont ask me why, its the first thing to come to mind! =DD
7)something ive always wanted to know? thats a good one becuz i think i kno most everything about u that ive ever wondered. heh, ive been sitting here for the past 10 mins thinking of a question....uhhhh.....got milk? lmao. j/p. got any chicks out there that u have your eye on? lmao. if so, who?!?!?! tell me in E-Mail!!! sbissramhdc@bellsouth.net
2) id have to say "the emporer's new groove" becuz o the quote "Yay! im a llama again!" lol! u do that sooooo well!
3) well, like i said to jason, i seriously doubt id wanna wrestle u, but flavor? hmmmm...id have to say four....yes, definately four. =P
4) "Gene, dot just stand there! DO something!....Other than bleed!! ::random movements::
5) lol, it was at lunch when u took my goth boot and wore it and was all "HOLY CRAP!" lmao. i also thought u wouldnt be someone i would like to talk to, but it ended being the complete opposite!! lmao. oh, and i swear, your hair was ALIVE!!!
6) lmfao! an annerexic sasquach!! LMFAO!!! dont ask me y or how i came up with THAT one. it was the first thing to come to mind!! its mostly becuz of ur hair tho.
7) well, its hard to say, becuz i think i have asked u everything i had ever wanted to kno about u. hmmmmm......OOO! got any girlz u got ur eye on?! if so, who?!?! tell me thru e-mail! sbissramhdc@bellsouth.net
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