
Jul 08, 2011 21:19


✧ NAME: ichi
✧ LJ USERNAME: unspeakingly


✧ NAME: Ritsuka Aoyagi
✧ SERIES: Loveless (manga)
✧ HISTORY: link link link
✧ TIMELINE: After the fight with Zero II (Kouya and Yamato)
✧ PERSONALITY:On the surface, Ritsuka is calm, mature and collected to the point of being cold. He can be harsh and callous, especially towards strangers but even towards those he considers friends on occasion. He's judgemental, often basing opinions of people from their appearance or the first words they say, and he's blunt to a fault. He's the kind of kid who doesn't care what others think of him most of the time, and generally the thoughts and words of others mean less than nothing to him. There are a lot of things he's apathetic to; even life, towards the beginning of the series. Before the appearance of Soubi, he has no desires of his own, and just makes it through life each day with tiredness and boredom.

Once his calm shell is broken, Ritsuka can often be extremely loud and volatile. He's snappish and he reacts violently to things, and he'll shout at anyone for any reason. He distrusts most people, but especially all adults - generally those who have lost their ears, and hence their virginity. He has a terribly short fuse and a bad temper, and it isn't too hard to set him off. He jumps to conclusions and reacts furiously to the idea he's conjured up, sometimes leading to him being ashamed and embarrassed when he finds out the true story. He starts to become more and more passionate about things after Soubi has shown up, but his passion is often more fire than necessary. A lot of the time, he can't seem to express himself without shouting and being ornery; whether he's sad or angry or upset for a number of different reasons. Ritsuka isn't one to do things quietly, because he feels too strongly and too much. This passion and emotional personality also shows through in Ritsuka's sheer determination and his whole-heartedness; once he gets started on something, he will absolutely see it to the end, and he can set himself goals that are unbelievably difficult. He simply refuses to give up on things, and perseveres as best he can.

But Ritsuka is actually a very kind and selfless person. Almost everything he does, he does for other people; he hates it when people worry about him, so he acts tough or pretends to be happy to prevent that, but he'll worry about other people constantly. For all that he insists Soubi stays away from him, he frets over him and tries to look after him any time he shows up in the slightest downturn of health - the first and one of the few orders Ritsuka gave Soubi was for him to stay out of the rain and not catch a cold. He eats food that he dislikes purely to make his mother happy. He tries to refuse expensive gifts because he doesn't want people spending money on him. He's also fairly sensitive to the feelings of other people, particularly friends; for all that he will, at times, disregard the feelings of others, if someone upsets a person that he likes, he'll react badly to it.

Ritsuka acts tough, he loathes to be anything but independent, he hates to be weak and tries to prove himself strong when he can, he's mature and very intelligent and he tries to be aloof - but he has an innocent, childish side, too. He may not be open with everyone, and in fact prefers to keep his feelings to himself, but he's honest no matter what, and he really hates lying more than anything else. It makes him somewhat naïve, thinking that there is absolutely no situation that warrants lying, but it comes from the fact that he has lost the part of his innocence that let him see the world in a good light; he generally dislikes people and is cynical. But somehow he forms bonds with others very easily, which is most likely his childish innocence coming into play again, in-hand with the fact that he doesn't seem to necessarily have to like people to become closer to them; his opinions are easily warped by others, and he can be influenced quickly. He admires people for not much, and he has a painfully naïve and blinding love for his brother; his love for Seimei is absolute and overpowering, to the point that people who once meant nothing (i.e. Soubi) are suddenly significant and important just because they claim a connection with Seimei.

His naivete also extends into his views on sex and relationships. He tries to act cool about it, and it doesn't turn him into a flailing mess or anything, but a lot of the time Ritsuka just doesn't even comprehend sex. He knows that "grown-ups" do it, he knows it will make you lose your ears, but beyond that, he knows nothing about it; sometimes it seems that he doesn't even see any sexual side to Soubi kissing him. He doesn't understand differentiating between different types of "love", either; he knows that he loves his friends, but he gets embarrassed by it because he thinks of it as the same thing as the "love" Soubi professes for him; he doesn't really understand "love" at all, actually, and he says that his heart goes cold whenever someone says that they like him, and it causes him pain whenever Soubi says that he loves him. He sees a "date" as just a friendly thing, and he believes in the standard innocent idea of love - and despite having no problem with physical contact, and despite being friendly enough to get to know everyone he meets, he rejects compliments and affection with often violent force.

Strangely, however, Ritsuka can be extremely contradictory at times. He says to Soubi that he hates the word "die", he'll never kill anyone, and adamantly refuses to punish Soubi for doing wrong; he says that he hates the word "impossible" and then continuously tells Soubi that everything he says is "impossible" to do; he says that he would never raise his hand to someone. It seems that most of the time he'll be true to all that, but when someone's feelings are hurt, those morals seem to vanish in Ritsuka's mind. When some girls make fun of Yuiko and ruin the jam she made for Ritsuka, he responds furiously and violently - he throws a table across the room, shouts at the girls and tells them that they should all just die. He explains later to his teacher that he believes emotional pain is infinitely worse than physical pain; however, unless there is some kind of emotional distress to provoke him, Ritsuka won't strike or threaten anyone, and he's still never actually hit someone, only made violent gestures. He's "cruel to be kind" in that he will be cruel to one person to be kind to another. He's a pacifist with a violent temper.

He's contradictory in other ways that bring out his childishness and his lack of emotional and mental maturity; he is in constant conflict regarding Soubi, and can never want one thing without simultaneously wanting the other. I want to see him; I don't want to see him. He'll tell Soubi to leave him alone and then get mad because Soubi does leave; he instructs Soubi clearly not to go to Parents' Day, and he spends the day furious and upset because Soubi isn't there, even though it was on his own orders. If he tells Soubi to go away, he spends their time apart staring at his phone and thinking about him constantly. Ritsuka is always contradicting himself, and because of it, he's always in distress.

Ritsuka has an odd obsession, which doubles as a source of torment - his amnesia, and the loss of "Ritsuka" from two years ago. He is determined, down to every second of every day, to become that "Ritsuka" again for the sake of his mother, who has told him that he is not "her" Ritsuka. He tries to act the part with little success in the mean time, but his ultimate goal is to somehow uncover that old personality and force it back out so that he returns to the way he used to be, even though he himself has no problem with the way he is currently. He feels that it's entirely his fault that he's become a totally different person with no memory of his past, which is why he sits through all of his mother's abuse of him and never once complains or tries to stand up to her or run away from it; he thinks that he's being punished for a sin. In truth, he actually hates "Ritsuka", both for his apparent personality and out of envy; he believes that everything belongs to "Ritsuka", and nothing can be his - not his mother, not Seimei, not Soubi and not himself. The amnesia incident has led to his strange obsession with memories, most notably photographs; he insists on taking photographs with everyone who has come to mean even the slightest bit to him, so that he never forgets them and they never forget him, even if the old "Ritsuka" returns. He has a serious fear of losing this or forgetting anything; he has a fear of oblivion.
✧ ABILITIES/POWERS:On his own, Ritsuka has no exceptional abilities. It's only when he's with Soubi that he has any kind of power (or with his own Fighter who he has yet to find); Ritsuka is the Sacrifice of their duo and the Master, which means Soubi must obey any order Ritsuka gives him - unless it goes against an order given by Soubi's previous master, Seimei. Ritsuka cannot attack or defend, and instead has to take damage for the fight. So, really, Ritsuka's only power is Soubi.

✧ PLACE OF SOLACE: The Buddhist altar at his house.


✧ FIRST PERSON:What is this? What the hell is this?! Where am I? Somebody has to have brought me here - does Septimal Moon have something to do with this? I'm not going to play along with anything here. And anyway, what is all this crap about the King and Queen? This place doesn't even look like Japan, what the hell happened to me?! If this is someone's idea of a joke - what am I even doing here? What could someone want from me? Separating me and Soubi - ?

If anyone is reading this, I'd better get an answer! I don't have time for this. I can't leave my mother alone, and then there's Seimei, and "Ritsuka"... I need to get back. There are too many things that I can't just leave behind!

Soubi! It's Ritsuka. If you're reading this, answer me. Do you understand? That's an order! Answer me now.
✧ THIRD PERSON: trial thread this-a way!

*application, !ooc
