you can always strike a good man down

Jun 21, 2008 22:44

so here we are again my livejournal friends.
i sit at the precipice of another cornerstone in my life.
i am AGAIN in the hosptial
for once its not lung related
thats what i got.
basically part of my large intestine sucked another part into self. like a telescope.
it was causing extreme stomach pain, cramping and such. since monday.  i was goin to class and such with these incredible pains.
friday i had a doctors appointment and went in and the doc saw me during some of the cramping or concrations as my mom called them (they reminded her of when she would get contractions during childbirth) and the doc put me through the ER to get some pain meds. i sat in the ER for a good fucking year (6 hours) getting tested and blah blah blah. finally later that night i got up to my room. they have been giving me diladid for the pain, a normal dose of only 2 miligrams every 4-5 hours...if i feel so inclined to take it.
but anyway, today i did a procedure to try and avoid surgery.....its "noninvasive" blah blah buulllshit
more or less its a colonoscopy but a colonoscopy made by the devil
right so they shoved up tube in mah butt, then the filled my intestines with air to try and force them back to a normal position with pressure.
the doc said that this was a "minor discomfort at best" LIES LIIIIES. i can't capitaliaze large enough.
it was pain that was bordering on the limit of my threashold. never had i expereinced having to throw up and take a dump at the same time in my life. but not only that but on EXPLOSIVE levels.
so the whole procedure was working, slowly, andi guess SLOWLY wasn't good enough for dr.rushesthoughthings
decided to keep putting more and more pressure in my intestines to make it move back faster. but the more pressure there was the more pain i was in. needless to say i told him to stop andi coulden't go on anymore.
my intestine had moved 2/3rd the way back to where it was supposed to go. so it wasn't a complete failure. just apainful.....uncomfortable and embaressing one. showin a room full of nurses my pale ass and dong. all the while farting my head off because dr.squeezehappy filled me up like a carnival balloon.
so anyway, onto what was goin on just prior to this entry.
the surgical consult came to me to talk to me about what was gonna happen now that i had to have surgery tomorrow. what they will try to do and if they can't do it the other proceedures they will do. the dangers and risks of each and also general information that was never told to me last time.
such as, yes i'll have a catheder in place :( mike not happy for his dong.  i'll have a suction tube down my throat , i'm sure thats annoying too.
anyway, he showed me where i would have insissions and such for each surgical proceedure.
no matter how i (excuse the pun) cut it. i'm gonna end up with more scars. either a few small ones along my diaphram area or a long one that runs up the length of my abdomen, dead center, only circling around my bellybutton.
either way the surgery is making me nervous. i'm not happy about it, especially being last week i was feeling great!
while they're in me they're gonna be searching for a reason as to why this happened. I.E. looking for some kinda growth or pylop or blockage, gnome living in me. something that woulda have caused my intestine to get hung up on it, and then sucked into my other intestine.  blah. so yea, they're gonna come and get me for the surgery at like 6 something AM tomrrow, knock my ass out and then give me a drug regimine of post surgical pain killers, wich will most likely be MORE high level doses of dilaudid. wooo, i konw you guys loved reading that entry i made all doped out. i hope your ready for another one.
anyway....:( i'm scared
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