hey! and i return!

May 23, 2008 04:30

from whence the darkeness bore a son, his name was mike. he typed this blog.
first deals first.  lately i've been feelin pretty good. i'm staggering my predinizone dose slowly. lowering it. right now i'm down to 20, was at 30mlgs a day. the prednizone even that low of a dose is able to assert itself over my body's tendencies because of my low weight.
i'm eating almost uncontrollably. as a result i'm now in the ballpark area of 125 pounds give or take how much i've eaten. combined this with my somewhat casual workout routine for pushups, for the first time in a year or so i have given a normal human blood pressure. not a retarted low "90 over 60" or back in the day when i was 165 pounds from prednizone  185 over 90.
nope, my blood pressure is a thump thumping  119 over 75. was nice. especially considering that i was getting a kidn of physical today.
today was may 22nd, the day of my lung transplant review.
so let me back up there for ya. i got up and left the house before 6AM to get on the road to get to the appointment at 10. it was in super super super upper manhatten, the areas no one goes too unless you live there. i tell you what, you'd think having that much time to get there would be easy right? wrong. there was  slew of super rediculous accidents that my father was able to skirt around, getting us to greatneck (still 30 minutes fro the city on a good day) . luckily, my uncle ed lives in greatneck. so we went to his precinct (he's a cop) and he gave us a ride in ye olde paddy waggon (me in the back of course >.>)  to the train station there. we caught a ride and in 20 minutes were standing in penn station.
great, got to the city. woo!
penn station 37th street and 7th ave.
where i had to go?
broadway and 186th street.
for those who don't know manhatten very detailed. thats an epic treck through the city. a 40 min ride by subway, most of the time there are breakdowns on the lines which make that go to about 60 minutes. only other ways? bus or cab.
so we hailed a cab and had him drive us up there. that was a quick $30 cab ride. ouch
enough about how we got there literally 5 minutes before appointment.
i met with a very competent doc in the transplant team, she breifly went over my files tha they had, noting what was missing, and asking me questions about my medications and such.
she looked at my catscans from when my lungs collapsed and some xrays.
she asked me if i was sexually active, smoked, drank excessively, did any drugs or anything that would bar me from being a candidate. nothing. wooo.
she told me i was going to be getting a blood test and a urine test today. very breifly. then described in detail the transplant, how things work and the reprocussions of everything.
more or less i can tell you flat out, reducing this entire visit into a sentance for you. my readers. cuz i love ya.
A person who has CF can easily take care of transplant lungs, and will find them much more convienient, even with the inherant risks of donor organs. but you michael as of right now, are outright way way too healthy to be a candidate. wonderful. thats fine, i already know this.
but the review board will meet friday (today now) and discuss my past medical history (all my hospital visits, how long i was on predinizone, etc) and then see if that more then likely should i have a catastrophic failure or just decrease enough to the point. i will haev a lung transplant team already working for me.
so more or less its a kind of insurence plan.
the only thing that ptus me off of the whole damn thing is theres a 30% chance that no matter what, i might have diabeties after the transplant.
not a fan of wanting to cataloge what i eat. no insolin shots and whatnot.

anyway, so after that i had to get blood drawn. the phlebotnist was impressed with my vein's as per usual, i was impressed with how much blood of mine she took.
14 viles of blood.
then the urine test and i had to listen to financial and then a surgeon came to talk to me.
maybe he shoulda talked to me before they took my blood or talked about financial and insurence policies.
i had a very very hard time staying awake through his very droll boring droneing voice.
oh well.

so yea,thats how my lung transplatn review went . left at 6AM to get there, got home at 3PM.
still not freakin asleep. why? my mind won't stop buzzing. i'm kinda hoping this will help.

other then this. me and bren went to a comedy club earlier tonight, saw some comedians from comedy central there (from premium blend)
they were funny though.
the comedians got alot funnier once i finished my 2 rum and cokes. ahhh 2 drink minimum.
after the comedy club me and bren walked to the fair across the parkinglot. we diden't feel like hanging out with all the super jailbait kiddies riding the rides flashing their trainer bras at their boyfriends and taking out their retainers before they kiss. so me and bren decided to just get soem food and leave.
so i got a corn dog, which i let bren take a bite from because he never had tried one before.
and for dessert i washed that down with a deep fried 3 musketeers bar.
i can scratch off "eat a deep fried candy bar" of my list of thigns to do before i die.
it was amazingly different, and delicious.
then we went back to bren's to hang out for a bit, and then i came home.
i've been trying to go to sleep since like 1AM.
not gonna lie, i'm alittle pissed i can't sleep.
anyway. love ya guys.
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