I open the APP and flip to the 'smut' section. I'm welcomed by a young faceless female dressed in a secretary uniform. Her face hidden, her identity hidden, she is here for the anonymous applause. I'm intrigued, she has a beautiful feminine stature peppered with class - an elegance lost in modern society. Her hips sway alongside the musical beats as she begins to undress at a slow sensual pace.
The music catches my ear. It a folksy duet bank with strong female vocals. I search for the lyrics and discover the band - a 'self-published' group with a small following. Upon further searching I stumble upon their YouTube channel and devour their music - each song is fantastic and the off-beat lyrics are a refreshing departure from the nonsensical doggerel of most modern music.
I become determined to acquire some of their music. I check my usual sources but to no avail - the band is quite obscure. The local library doesn't have any copies but I decide to drive down and see if they can do an "interlibrary loan" and gather a CD. My expectations are quite low as even Amazon doesn't carry any of their CDs (not that I would buy from Amazon anyways).
I approach the reference desk and instruct the woman I'm looking for an audio CD. She asks me for the name of the book, "No, an audio CD" I reply. "I have the name of the artist, I would like any CD you can find". She asks me to come around the desk to view the results. She shows me listings not relative to what I'm looking for; she has amassed a collection of paperback romance novels. "Maybe it would help if you put the band name in quotes, so you can search for a single phrase as opposed to two-words individually" I politely suggest. Unsure, if it will make a difference, she tries again. The paperback romance novels disappear and the results screen is empty. She replies, "No results in the state of [My State]".
"Oh, well" I sigh as I give up. "But let me try nationwide" she retorts as she continues the search. I’m surprised that such lengths would be available or suggested. The search continues and she finds all three CDs. "These two CDs exist solely at the Library of Congress and I don't believe you'll be able to get them. I have never seen anyone successfully get an interlibrary loan from the Library of Congress." I entertain the idea of contacting the Library of Congress but my thoughts are interrupted, "the third CD exists in the university in [Two States Over]."
She takes my information and says she will put in an interlibrary request and we will see if the university accepts. I leave satisfied and ponder the possibility of contracting the Library of Congress.
In a nutshell, that's how I discovered my new favorite band and requested the CD from a library two-states over.