WeLComE /BY. FORge† /BY.

Feb 14, 2015 22:42

Allow me to introduce /BY to the cast of girlfriends; then quickly shoo her off to the side of the stage in preparation of the next girlfriend.

If I were completely honest with myself I would have to admit the relationship was doomed from week two, and yet here we are into week forty and she still retains the title of girlfriend....

:: The phone rings in the middle of my livejournal update. ::


"Hey!  What are you up to?"

It's /BY.  It's 8:30pm and she is currently driving back from her sister-in-law's apartment.  She decided to spend Valentine's Day with her so that her sister-in-law wouldn't be alone.  Her sister-in-law was born on Valentine's Day, and since the sister-in-law's husband has to work today /BY felt particularly sympathetic towards her plight and thus decided to devote Valentine's Day to her sister-in-law.

"Nothing.  And yourself?" I respond back in a cold callous tone.  Attitude?  Yes.  After purchasing flowers and sitting alone on Valentine's Day drinking whisky I'm ready to call the relationship quits.  I would have called it quits months ago had I been able to make decisions like a rational human being; however, mix together the fear of loneliness, and a dash of her athletically thin body, and suddenly rational decisions aren't so easy to make...

"Well, I'm really glad I got to see her today.  Thank you for understanding; it's just her birthday and her husband has to work and I just don't feel she should be alone on this day, you know?" Her words fell on deaf ears; after spending most of the day in my apartment drinking whiskey, and looking up potential MMOs to buy, I felt there was some poetic irony in her words.

We stumbled through conversation as she drove home - when the television isn't on it's quite difficult to make conversation with her.  We have virtually nothing in common, other than the fear of being alone of course.  The entire relationship was based upon a fallacy, upon the idea of hoping for something that clearly wasn't there; perhaps, through some supernatural force, we would both wake up one day and become the one the other wanted to date.  Unfortunately for us it doesn't appear as though the miraculous transformation is going to occur - actually it's quite the opposite as we find ourselves drifting further and further apart.  /BY will mark the first girl that I've had to break up with, and to be honest I have no idea how she will take it.  I'd imagine she'll get angry, bitter and vengeful upon news of me throwing in the towel but I really don't know - a testament to how little we really know of each other....

/bcky, relationships

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