Title:Between Us
Warning:Violence,blood,sexual references,angst,romance,yaoi,SM,prostitution
Exrept: Follow Chung-Hee as he discovers a special "gentelmen's club" called Fleur D'Or and meets the remarkable Chul ,and his struggle to keep his desires a secret and Chul's struggles of his own.
Warning: Swearing and adult language in this chapter
Sweet like Cherry, Venomous like a snake
Behind closed doors, when there were no guests left, it's only the "Baron" and his precious boys left, in addition to a few more people.
"Send me Chul" the owner called from his chamber, the eldest took on himself to do so, he escorted the red head to the chamber, he was about to take his leave but he was requested to stay "Hu-ye-ah, don't leave just yet, I have something important to say"
The Baron grabbed Chul by his hair forcing him in a kneeling position just under his throne.
"Chulli, I received an offer over you, it’s a very tempting one. However he wants to see you cry, and I don't think he means cry of pleasure "he said.
Hu-ye got taken aback by the words and actions, their master wasn't particularly merciful but not cruel "Baron…" he was silenced by a gesture.
Chul was still pulled uncomfortably by the hair, he didn't understand what's so bad about such a request, he saw his hyungs go through these scenarios many times, they never cried but well he is confident that he will act the part very well.
"As long as he is paying, I don't give a fuck, and I can fake it" the red haired boy scoffed.
The Baron loosened his fist on the red-head's hair and slapped him hard across the face, so hard that it cut the inside of his cheek and he was bleeding.
"You see my boy you couldn't fake that, right? Keep taking things lightly and you will get hurt, but don't worry I will make sure he won't deal any permanent damage"
The Baron always have said that "whores can't be particular about who they fuck, their job is to sell them pleasure or desire, lie to them and take every last dime they own"
Hu-ye tried to help the boy stand on his feet again, but the latter slapped his hand away and asked permission to leave, he wanted to follow but the owner stopped him.
"Leave him be, he better be ready by tomorrow night, Hu-ye if you try anything funny you will get your earning cut by 60%, now go"
"Baron, you don't usually approve such requests, why this time?" from behind the curtains in the Baron's chamber appeared the young man everyone knows as the "bearer", except he isn't wearing a mask now.
"Chul is too arrogant, he needs to be broken in order to last in this business, and he will still be my favorite , in addition except for Hu-ye the others were feeling unfair"
Despite his efforts to convince Chul to leave, he refused "here all the money that I saved, just take it and leave, please…"
"I told you I won't fucking leave…keep your fucking money…" in the heights of the refusal he waved his hand and broken an expensive looking vase. The others came by as they heard the commotion, wondering they asked both of them why they look so glum.
"I think Hu-ye is jealous, because I will get double, no triple of what he gets in a week's worth of sucking dicks" he spouted, words like poison.
The eldest got so angry; he almost punched the red-haired arrogant boy.