Epic Love - A Logan/Veronica Picspam Post (Season 1)

Dec 20, 2008 04:48

It's not that I'm bored. I'm just feeling nostalgic and I blame it on the Veronica Mars marathon my friends and I had during a sleepover last Tuesday. I miss this show and I miss my OTP. Apparently, reliving those Logan/Veronica moments at 12AM was a bad idea because it led me to this crazy picture spammage. This post really took a while because the caps hated me. Haha.

Anyway, this post, as promised, is dedicated to my real-life BFF, musical theater buddy and fellow crazy fangirl, Lara (oatmeal_cookie)! I hope you like it, lo/ve! ♥

By the way, I've only compiled Season 1. I've yet to finish Season 2 and Season 3, hopefully, in the next few days or so.

Note to dial-up users: IMAGE HEAVY. SERIOUSLY.

1.01 - Pilot

Veronica (voice over): And let’s not forget Logan Echolls. His dad makes twenty million a picture. You probably own his action figure. Every school has an obligatory psychotic jackass. He’s ours.

Logan: So does your, uh, does your dad still think that Lilly’s father did this? That’s my girlfriend. Your friend. Duncan’s sister. Your dad is destroying the Kane family. What’s the matter with you people, huh? What’s the matter with you?

Logan: Hey Ronnie. Hey, we’ve decided that we’d, uh, we’d rather surf than study today, you wanna come with? Duncan will promise to take his shirt off. Does that sweeten the pot?

Logan: You’re so cute. Listen, I’ll get you for this.

Logan: Do you know what your little joke cost me?
Veronica: Well, I’m pretty sure you won’t be getting your bong back.
Logan: Wrong answer. Would you care to guess again?
Veronica: Clearly your sense of humour.
Logan: Nope. You’re usually so good at pop quizzes. No, the correct answer is my car. That’s right. My daddy took my T-Bird away. And you know what I won’t be having? Fun, fun, fun.

1.02 - Credit Where Credit's Due

Logan: Tell the truth Veronica. Did you just sign up for newspaper so you could be around Duncan?
Veronica: No. I’m here so I can be closer to you.

1.03 - Meet John Smith

1.04 - The Wrath of Con

Lilly: Okay, it's my turn? Logan.
Logan: Truth.
Lilly: What did you think of Veronica the first time you saw her?
Logan: I don't know, I thought she was hot.
Veronica: I was twelve when you moved here!
Logan: Oh, and, like you weren't working it in your shorts and your knee socks.
Veronica: That was my soccer uniform!
Logan: So, whatever! It totally worked!

Logan: What part of my ignoring you makes you think you're welcome?
Veronica: What are you doing?
Logan: Assembling the world's most boring memorial video.
Logan: Ballet… Choir recital, debutante crap… Girl scouts.
Logan: Memories both misty and water-coloured.
Veronica: It's Lilly as a long-distance commercial.
Logan: Well, it isn't really about Lilly, is it?
Logan: God, this would piss her off.

Veronica: How's it going?
Logan: It's very Wonder Years.

1.05 - You Think You Know Somebody

Veronica: Time for a chat?
Logan: Well. Think if hell froze over, maybe it'd be on the news.

1.06 - Return of the Kane

Veronica: Bravo, Logan. It’s a new low. And just when the critics were having some doubts.
Logan: Mmm. Must be talking about your, uh, narc friend, W-W-W-Wanda.
Logan: Well, isn’t it time that you found another bad guy?

1.10 - An Echolls Family Christmas

Logan: Annoy, tiny blonde one. Annoy like the wind!

Logan: Do you even know how to play poker?
Veronica: No. But it must be really hard if all you guys play.

Logan: Do you even know how to play poker?
Veronica: Mind if I deal first?

1.12 - Clash of the Tritons

1.13 - Lord of the Bling

Veronica: Logan, what are you doing here?
Logan: I want you to find my mother.

1.14 - Mars vs. Mars

Logan: Relax, I'm not asking you to drag the lake. My mother didn't really kill herself.

Logan: It's a good read?

Logan: Listen, I'm going.
Veronica: You're not.
Logan: ‘Kay, what are you going to stop me with?
Veronica: Force of will, strength of character, tenacity, karate chop...

Veronica: We should do this more often.

Logan: I'm not paying you to worry about my hopes. I'm paying you to follow leads.
Veronica: I wasn't aware you were paying me.
Logan: This isn't a favour, it's a job, you know. I mean, we're not exchanging friendship bracelets.
Veronica: I'll stop braiding.

Veronica: I'm sorry.
Logan: Yeah, so am I.

1.15 - Ruskie Business

Logan: Be my mom’s weapon of choice.

Logan: Hey, Veronica, uh… Thanks for helping out with this.
Veronica: I know what it’s like.

Veronica: I know I’m late. Sorry, honey.

Logan: She’s gone. She’s gone.

Logan: Hey, who’s this dude?
Veronica: As I have told you now three times, this is the friendly officer of the law who is going to overlook your underage public drunkenness.

1.17 - Kanes and Abel's

Logan: Here, thanks. For, uh, you know, looking for my mother.
Veronica: Your mom was always nice to me.

Veronica: I’d like to know when you plan on telling Duncan and everyone how I’m psycho or, at least, unhealthily obsessed. I’d like to be prepared.

1.18 - Weapons of Class Destruction

Logan: Maybe we should do a story on Oxycontin use in the administration office.

Logan: Hey, it’s Logan. Hey, uh, just a-a heads up for you. Duncan knows about your files.
Veronica: He knows because you told him.
Logan: Well, yeah, I mean, what was I supposed to do? He’s my best friend.
Veronica: Yeah, well, he took my head off. You would have loved it. Have you talked to him since school let out?

Logan: Dream on, Jump Street. I’m not leaving you alone with her.
Veronica: Logan, he’s the real thing. Just give us a minute, all right?
Logan: Fine. Don’t close the door all the way. Yeah, I’ll be right out here.

After all, well, isn't this just a momentary thing
It's not like it's permanent or any heavy thing

1.19 - Hot Dogs

Veronica (voice over): All righty, Logan. We'll just skip over the two minutes in heaven we had. You wanna pretend it never happened? No argument here. My lips, for all intents and purposes, are sealed.

Veronica: Hi.
Logan: Hey, I need your help.
Veronica: Would it be weird for me to start my own drinking game? Like I have to do a shot every time someone asks for my help?
Logan: I need you to track down Trina’s leech-of-the-week boyfriend.
Veronica: Why? What’d he do?
Logan: He beat her up.

Veronica: I know Lilly loved you.
Logan: Yeah, just not like I loved her. It’s okay. No, uh, you know, it kinda let’s me off the hook, you know, I-I don’t know, I don’t have to feel guilty anymore.
Veronica: Feel guilty about what?
Logan: Moving on.

Veronica: Maybe we should just keep it to ourselves for a while and see what happens.
Logan: Meet in mop closets? Pass each other secret notes in the hallway?

1.20 - M.A.D.

Veronica: I know. Guys, come on, the talent is making a grilled cheese sandwich on the engine block. Guys, come on, you can’t put your car up on blocks in the yard if you don’t have a yard. You know, I think I can do both sides of this little act now. So, how ‘bout next time, you don’t bother. I got it covered.

Veronica: What? I blockaded the door. I hung an “Out of Order” sign.
Logan: No, this is wrong. I mean a boy in a girl’s bathroom, it’s just-
Veronica: So wrong, it’s right?
Logan: Yes.

Veronica: Remember, force equals mass times acceleration…
Logan: Mmm.
Veronica: …light is a particle that can exhibit properties of a wave…
Logan: I’d learn more staying here with you.

Logan: It’s always business with you.

Veronica: Hey, do you think this thing… will ever get more normal?
Logan: What, like will we ever hang at the mall and hold hands and buy each other teddy bears with hearts that say "I wuv you bear-y much"?
Veronica: Yes, exactly that. Except I want my bear won through some sort of demonstration of ring tossing ability.
Logan: Well, secrets are kinda hot, too.

Logan: Are you free Friday? Maybe we could go out.
Veronica: Here? In Neptune? What about our little secret?
Logan: Well, I thought we’d try a practice run in Catalina Island. So what do you think about us skipping school on Friday for a little ride on Dad’s boat? Dinner and a movie?
Veronica: I'll pencil you in.
Logan: So it's, uh...what is the word? A date?

1.21 - A Trip to the Dentist

Logan: What can I do? What can I do to make it better?
Veronica: I'm going to find out who did this to me and I'm going to make them pay. Even if it was you.

Logan: I’m sorry.
Veronica: I’m just glad you’re here.

Logan: That’s kind of a general invitation. If you don’t like my girlfriend then just start heading toward the rectangle with the knob.

Logan: Now, see, why can’t it just be like this? [Kisses her] Why do there have to be all those other people in this world?
Veronica: What are you doing?
Logan: You’re too short.
Logan: I need to level the playing field.
Veronica: Is this where you take all your conquests?
Logan: Nope, only the short ones.

Logan: I’m the one who’s responsible for what happened to you. And I can’t take that I hurt you like that. I can’t take that I hurt you when all I want to do is protect you.

Logan: It’s almost endearing that I need a key to the liquor cabinet, don’t you think?

1.22 - Leave it to Beaver

Logan: Don’t run out on me again, okay, I mean, if you need to do whatever, you just let me know.
Veronica: I need to do whatever.

Logan: Hey, I'm in kind of in a jam. Yeah, I'm here at the lovely sheriff's department, being grilled without representation I might add. Hey, do you think, uh, you could track down my father, maybe work some of that Veronica magic that gets people out of these things?

Logan: So, I guess we broke up, huh?
Veronica: What do you want me to say, Logan?
Logan: "Logan, I'm gonna go home and put my head in the oven because I can't go on living knowing what a heartless BITCH I am." Something like that!

Logan: You’ve reached Logan and here’s today’s inspirational message: Adversity is the diamond dust with which Heaven polishes its jewels.

Screencaps credit goes to vm-caps.com.

random: pic spam, tv: veronica mars

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