Mar 22, 2006 08:46
Who? Wayne and OPEN
Where? The Library
When? Thursday between classes
Wayne sat on the floor of the library intbetween two isles, his back propped up against a nearby shelf that read Transfiguration. He'd always enjoyed sitting on the floor since he was little. You would often find him sitting indian-style somewhere with something interesting and usually something he wasn't supposed to be playing with. Firecrackers, beatles, his grandfather's toupee...It would drive his mum mad. Maybe that's why he enjoyed it so much. In any case, this habbit of sorts had carried over to his adulthood and here he sat, across from him in front of the opposite shelf lay a few of the books he'd picked out. He had been starring at them like this for a good while, hoping they'd open up and start doing his homework on their own, but they hadn't started yet. This is what Wayne called studying. "Good for nothing..." he mumbled, stretching his legs out across the isle and propping them up on the pile. "Well...good for that at least."