[Running water in the background. Well, not so much 'running' as just 'apparent'. Zelda's on the first deck, and thoughtful as ever.]I am not so desperate for answers. I will acquire them in my own way
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I would not call myself a musician. I simply... enjoy music. I am capable of playing, of course. It is just simply not commonly thought of as public knowledge. No one has ever asked me about it.
I assure you; I am not so interesting. Besides, if you learned more about me, would that not spoil the surprise a little? Do you not like me being a little more enigmatic?
I would like it very much if you would play for me sometime.
Well two fingahs and a t'umb. It be makin' a little hard to pluck dem strings. Wish I could find some drums or sometin'. Now dat be sometin' fit fuh a troll.
So technically I suppose it could be three. They say a thumb is not really a finger at all.
Why not go through deck twelve and see if it has anything we can make a percussion instrument out of for you? Link seems to think they may have an ocarina like mine, after all. If the deck had something like that, then would it not make sense to have something you could beat on as well?
I would too. Sarea said music soothes the nature of the beast. We would likely cope better with that sort of feeling. We need some form of composure, rather than some... lack of collected nature.
Do you play any music, Kevas?
Here and dere. It be sometin' to pass da time.
[When he's not drinking himself stupid.]
I would like it very much if you would play for me sometime.
Guess I could do dat. Just don't be expectin' anytin' grand. A mon can only do so much wid two fingahs.
[Zelda pauses.]
You only have two? I always thought you had three...
[Does he really only have two...? Jak has five, right? ...Right?]
[Thank the Loa she didn't ask the same of him.]
Well two fingahs and a t'umb. It be makin' a little hard to pluck dem strings. Wish I could find some drums or sometin'. Now dat be sometin' fit fuh a troll.
So technically I suppose it could be three. They say a thumb is not really a finger at all.
Why not go through deck twelve and see if it has anything we can make a percussion instrument out of for you? Link seems to think they may have an ocarina like mine, after all. If the deck had something like that, then would it not make sense to have something you could beat on as well?
[He wouldn't be surprised to find the Frostmourne down there.]
[Zelda just doesn't really want to give him hers. Again.]
[Might as well try to enjoy himself as much as he can now. Once he comes to blows with the crew, finding any sort of peace won't be easy.]
[She knows you, Kevas. Mister reckless troll, you.]
When have we evah lacked composuh?
[Kevas thinks for a moment. Okay maybe that's a stupid question.]
Guess dat would be doin' some good fuh us.
[She sounds happy, though. Strangely.]
I think it would be very good for us. Let us see if we can lighten the burdens upon some of these hearts.
[Honestly he's more concerned with lightening hers right now than anyone else's.]
Can always use my ukulele till we find some decent drums.
[Does she know what that is?]
Is it like a harp, Kevas?
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