Sep 03, 2009 07:58
[She sounds remarkably well in comparison to how things have gone in the recent weeks. She may sound calm and composed, but there is nothing forlorn in the way she speaks. It is straight forward and thoughtful, but all the same sufficient.
With nothing in the background save the tapping against parchment most likely, Zelda is sitting in near silence, contemplative as ever. Contemplative, but fair.]
An established or recognized right to something.
There are particular situations in which this is nullified. In consequence, this makes a person simply a person and nothing more.
[Filtered from Crew // 30% Unhackable]
I wish to know the thoughts of those aboard regarding Carnival.
If you have had the opportunity to go, I wish to know what you thought of the place. Specifically, do you feel it is a place of importance or simply a residence of utter torment? Did you notice anything in particular about the architecture? Do you feel there is significance in the things you witness there? Have you any theories about why it exists or what its purpose is?
If you have not--which I will not ask why not--what do you feel would be there? What do you anticipate?
Share with me anything you wish. I simply would be appreciative to hear your collective thoughts.
[/End Filter]
There are times and places when things must be said and done. Unfortunately, I may not always know when this is. I am no different from any other when it comes to indecisive nature, or lacking in certainty. It would be a falsehood for me to state that I am always aware of what may or may not be coming.
I feel as though I have come to some particular fork. Yet I know that it is not a fork at all. Although my mind may perceive it as such, I am aware that there is only one pathway I wish to travel. It is that alone, the ambition and persistence, that will propel me into the future.
[Her voice softens.]
I do not know what befell you. I wish that I did, so perhaps I might be of better use to you. I do feel, however, that whatever it may be, I was indirectly responsible for. Even if I did not feel that way, however, I would wish to lend my aid all the same.
I have not forgotten the great things you have done for Hyrule. ...I have not forgotten the great things you have done for me. I can do little for you for the time being, except to stay at your side. One day, however, I will do something great for you.
she has a lot to say,
!her majesty zelda,
omg; i have a granddaughter---wot,
"i want to say i love you",
all i will think about is hyrule,
this isn't diplomacy; it's ambition,
so i like his ears...,
why can't sheik ever tell me things?,
!sir link,
...he's not my boyfriend,
of hearts that have been moved,
zelda is not frightened,
with ears that hear the gods