02 - PAfH; [10% Unhackable; Audio :: Common]

Jun 07, 2009 08:16

[Zelda is attempting to acquaint herself a bit further with the ship and simply making observations over what she currently sees, and has seen in her former experiences.]

I have chosen to use this as a record of my time here. It may not be something useful in Hyrule, and yet, I find it may become practical in my stay here as this vessel journeys for the Golden Shore.

This ship... is extraordinarily large, it would seem. I have not had the time or the capability as of this moment to thoroughly analyze my surroundings and therefore, cannot give an accurate description or theory upon what I have found thus far. Deck 10 seems remarkably vacant and I am well aware that the theater there is one that should be avoided. It would seem, however, that access is denied to it anyway and therefore even if my inquisitive nature brought me there, I would be unable to enter. Still, there is an eerie silence that hangs about the air, as though there are unseen things that simply watch and wait. For whatever it is, I have not the faintest idea.

Deck 9 appears to be a place I will frequent, if given the opportunity. There is an archive of books, many of a great variety, and if I am so fortunate, I may find something that will offer assistance to my questions. The other places upon this deck do not seem to make sense to me, as though they are not necessary and instead may be there for simply decor or ways for those aboard to spend their free time. I must admit, it seems we will all have plenty of it. Certainly, however, the library is a place of great intent, and I find myself drawn to its knowledge.

The floor above that is far more filled with life than the tenth. While I may appreciate the activity, I would imagine it can make the weary feel insignificant or otherwise neglected. I have yet to truly scour this deck, and therefore my studies of it are not yet complete and subject to be updated at a later time.

So then I ask to the inhabitants of this ship, which floor do you favor above all others and for what reason? I am interested in attempting to view things from the perspectives of other people, rather than my own eyes. For a personal view can be jaded and biased toward whatever one thinks. It would be far more beneficial to see what others have to say.

Oh... And President Rufus, I hope that you are finding yourself in better spirits with your arrival.
As I would also hope for Sir Zeke to be well. It is not fitting for those here to become ill, when it seems possible that causing ailment is a desired outcome by those in authority.

It is with my sincerest gratitude toward those who have lent me their aid, advice, and information since I came on board. I appreciate it to the very fullest and will take those words to heart.


[Zelda pauses. What could she possibly say to the other person upon her mind?]

Thank you, as always, for your concern, Hero.

"i want to say i love you", !jak, !kevas, !kage, she has a lot to say, zelda is not frightened, this ship is very large, !the hero of time

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