35 - PafH; [Voice // Common]; Backdated to November 27

Nov 28, 2009 16:14

[Zelda is as reserved as ever.]

I am somehow not in the least surprised. I suppose that if you were to have stayed for much longer, I would have asked why you had not left yet. It does not, however, make it hurt any less. For the sake of my faith, protect Hyrule in my absence. It is all I can ever ask of you.

Thank you for listening to me. One day, I will do something great for you.

[She fidgets, sounds of shuffling. The princess seems to be tidying up her room.]

I have long forgotten what my intentions were. I have put myself into a position where I believed I would so easily subject myself to this condition. Once more I must present myself at my best, whether those lands of home still stand or not. I must ask for it once more. There is nothing aboard this ship I desire more than an audience with the high-esteemed Captain Redd. Kage… Surely you can arrange something for me, being the charismatic and committed man you are.

I must find a way to return home, to take up the responsibility and the honor that is mine to have and to hold. I will do this, even in the times when light is most certainly bleak.

[There’s a pause.]

I also know, however, that I cannot leave with things in such shambles. This ship shows the true colors of those aboard and even I am not excluded from that. How cruel this environment has become, that people are judged on the basis of their hearts rather than their actions and intentions. It is hardly a felony to support those who need it. It is hardly a crime for one to be true to himself.

Yet how my heart aches in constant replaying of what I heard. That I should burn for my feelings. That I should wither away for my considerations. That I should fade into nothing for my neutral stance… What irony. I can spend my life condemning others I feel have wronged my people or me, and yet my own consequences are strangely bitter.

[There’s some more shuffling. Her voice is a little muffled and soft.]

I wish you were here, Impa. If you were here, you could explain things so much better for me. If only…

[OoC: Backdated as to not interfere with current or future settings. Sorry for spam. ;3;]

there will be no obstacles, so absolutely powerless, all i will think about is hyrule, this isn't diplomacy; it's ambition, he isn't here anymore, why can't sheik ever tell me things?, it must feel like dying, !kage, i'll play where no one can hear, she has a lot to say, the 'great' captain redd, !phoenix, logic over heart, with ears that hear the gods

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