Back in Neptune

Jun 29, 2006 01:19

Logan's strangely tired as he steps through the door. It's not as if he didn't get enough sleep at Milliways - some days it seemed like he did nothing but sleep. But stepping from that place and into this one weighs on him, as if all his troubles have resumed their place on his shoulders, sapping all his energy.

He's in the Neptune Grand, which is a relief. He was more than half-afraid he'd end up back outside Veronica's apartment and still need to drive home. To a mental list of "Things to Do," he adds "pick up the XTerra." It goes right underneath item "Prepare for inevitable crushing rejection from Veronica."

First on that mental list, though, is, "Call Trina."

Logan stares at his cell phone for a very long time before picking it up and dialing her number.

If he's really lucky, she just won't answer, and he'll have fulfilled his fraternal obligations with a short voicemail message.
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