Feb 21, 2008 20:03
OMG! I've just found out that a new "Tales of" game is coming out =D crazy crazy excitement!!! apparently it's called "Tales Of Vesperia" and it's rumored to be for the PS3 *drools* ahhhh I can't wait... of course living where i do it could very well be a couple of years before I get the chance to play it, "Tales Of The Abyss" the last installment was released in Japan December 15 2005, in America October 10 2006....... I'm still waiting for a Pal release >.>........... but I'm still hopeful, one way or another before I die I shall play a tales of game on the PS3, it looks so shiny and beautiful and the battle system has really taken a step up. I'm totally ecstatic right now ha ha.
Edit: Just found out that they've made a "Tales Of Eternia" (one of the earlier games
in the franchise) anime series =D.... today is a really good day for my Tales of
ok, well back down to earth to tell you about my day, today once again, tafe, I pretty much spent my day analysing the movie Reservoir Dogs, I hadn't seen it before and I can honestly say it was totally brilliant, I really enjoyed the movie from start to finish and studying it was just as fun ha ha. Apparently Pulp fiction is on our list of movies to study this year too, once again a movie I havn't seen but am really looking forward to now ha ha. Quentin Tarantino is a legend =D.
Unfortunately now my weekend starts and I havn't got much to look forward to, work generally rules my weekend even though it's only 8 hours and my Saturday is free this week. I suppose I'll keep you posted on that =).
P.S. Here are all the full stops I forgot to put in my entry ....................................................................................................................................... feel free to place them as you wish lol. (sorry, bad habit)
tales of the abyss,
quentin tarantino,
tales of vesperia,
pulp fiction,
reservoir dogs