Tuuuuesdays ROCK!!!

Aug 12, 2008 22:19

So yep... Tuesdays... they are indeed the greatest days... full stop.

I woke up late this morning and just caught the 8:00 train to tafe... nice and simple that train is a lot more comfortable since the school kids tend to take the train before it... so it's nice and empty. Good to spread out is it not?

So yeah tafe today was alright, I didn't get much work done, but we did end up shooting the final shot of the "13 Keys" project... that's right, this nightmarish project is almost finished... finally XP... it's gone nowhere but downhill since the beginning. So I'm MORE than happy to finally be seeing the end of the filming at least =P... it had it's fun parts mind you lol (melting that skeleton being one awesome moment lol).

Umm... so apparently it was decided that we were going to make a par of fake keys out of cardboard to drop into the frame and everything so Hayes (Tafe friend) and I sprayed the hell outta these poor little cardboard things, and totally zonked out of the fumes ha ha.

So yeah, that was shot... it didn't look quite as terrible as I thought it would, I'm interested in how it turns out. But the final thing WILL be terrible... oh man, it's suckyness'll be off the charts.

But anyway, it really wasn't a bad day... quite the contrary to be precise. I had fun for most of it lol and helped out Todd (tafe friend) with his music video assignment in the afternoon.

OH I have a decent idea down for my music video now... I'm SO starting soon ha ha... it's hard though... I still have some mulling to do before I can get it all underway.

Well that's all for today...

Ha ha yeah right... the best was yet to come... we came home and ran randomly into Emma(more-than-friend) and Jellybean (friend) a little way from the station... it was awesome, a random meeting like that, had to part pretty soon but it really wasn't to bad since I'd be seeing Emma again in less than an hour ha ha.

And so it was, I picked her up and we came back to mine to watch some Supernatural. I even caught a couple of photos. Only basic ones, I'd like to play around with the camera later on for fun ya know?

Hmm... and yeah.. after that I walked her home and yeah... the end.


13 keys, supernatural, hugs, tafe, more-than-friend, train

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