Oh man, I love the ABC lol. I turned over for The Gruen Transfer tonight (brilliant show, I highly recommend it... you can download the episodes here
http://www.abc.net.au/tv/gruentransfer/download.htm) lol I'm completely serious it's really clever, and funny too. Check it out if you get the time.
Oh yeah, so I turned over, but I was about half an hour early. Spicks and Specks started!!! =D OMG I always forget to watch that ha ha I was so happy =D. Geoffrey Rush was on too, lmao he's SO awesome, he has the best voice. I need to watch Pirates now, I'm not even joking ha ha. Although I do have a lot of overdueness weighing me down at the moment...
Speaking of POTC, it was made reference to a lot today in class, a few times... ah it was really good... and Luigi hadn't seen it ha ha... he sucks so bad it's hilarious... He doesn't even come close to being worthy of it... oh how he fails.
Speaking of which, I was bitching about him to my class mates today and I'm pretty sure they all feel the same way (maybe a little less passionately about it, but the same none the less). Pierre stuck his head into the room during our break inquiring about our class committee ... which last year comprised of David (who isn't doing the course anymore) and ... you guessed it Luigi >=(... we needed to overthrow him... even if it meant that I would need to join the thing and leave no space left for him to fit... and so I did... I'm a class rep now lol =P... apparently the Graphic Design class wants to organize some kinda fund raiser... or something... I dunno, they wanna talk about it with us at some point... so yeah ha ha... Luigi wasn't in the room at the time... in fact he doesn't know about this decision at all... which makes it even better.. he has no say... take that douchebag.
Oh yeah, during that break I watched some of Jumper... it actually looked pretty good (after the terrible acting of the child form of the main character left ha ha). So yeah... that was good, but I didn't get to finish it =P.
A sheet went around the place today too, asking for our email addresses, apparently we're wanted to fill in some kinda survey about something and email it back... apparently anonymous... I'm not sure about that though ha ha.
I'm SOOO far behind in my after effects project, it's basically making a 3D scene out of a couple of 2D photos. It's a good effect... but I just can't get my head around after effects... it's such a confuzzling program... I need to get back to Flash >.>...
this morning as I was leaving I threw a few extra songs onto my PSP. about 4 of them were by the Beatles... damn it... I've always wanted to see "Across The Universe" I heard about it AGES ago in an interview and swore to see it as soon as I heard of it's release... but I didn't hear of it's release O.o... and eventually forgot about it... until it was mentioned (in a recommendation) by a friend... so yeah... but still I'm yet to see it =P... all these Beatles songs are reminding me of it ha ha I really must see it.
Another was Regina Spektor's new "The Call"... I hadn't heard it at all until it was once again mentioned, and so I downloaded it... O.O omg... that is such a brilliant tune... I love it ha ha I've heard it SO many times today =P.
Oh and it turns out that my previous excitement over my finished script was unfounded... I've made a few mistakes that require correcting... but that shouldn't take any more than a few hours I don't think. From what she's been saying in class and that... I think it'll work out right. =D.
Argh... onto movie reviews I guess... I've actually written about 3 A4 pages of notes on one of them... that was the easy part though... now I have to formulate that into categorized answers to specified questions >.>.... stupid movie reviews...
And I wanted to have an early night tonight too ha ha =P.
I actually had a lot to talk about tonight... but I'm actually pretty tired and can't remember any more than that ha ha.
So, Adios mi amigos.
Oh and Ironman is on on the 2nd of July at Uni movies, I'll most likely try to make that... I've heard good things. It's followed by the most OVERUSED storyline in the world ha ha, a movie called "How she move"... feel free to raid Youtube for the trailer... I did ha ha... such a cliched story... really.
OH!!!! CRAZY CRAZY EXCITEMENT!!! I bought The Magical Legend Of The Leprechauns yesterday on ebay too... omg I'm so excited, i can't wait to watch it again ha ha. LONG LIVE EBAY!!!