It is at this point in every holiday when I realize "hey, I've got 2 days left of my holidays.... and I have yet to even think about beginning to consider letting the concept of mulling over my homework enter my mind" lol... and yet, even though I know I have homework due in the first week of tafe... I'd rather sit here and do nothing rather than type out my script for class to hand in on Wednesday... bleck, homework...
Oh yeah, but first last night was weeeird, I was at a mates place, as explained in the previous entry, we were playing Time Crisis which was slightly less awesome than anticipated but hey, it was still pretty good. But all of a sudden, I have no idea how or WHY it happened but Singstar found it's way into the PS3 and a mic into my hand..... O.o....... oh god... I'd like to say I was drunk, or high or under some sort of external influence but alas... I was just... urgh I have no idea... anyway, as expected i sucked royally at the game ha ha, like seriously ROYALLY!!! so royally that I was virtually jewel encrusted =P... lol the even sadder thing would be that I was having a bloody awesome time ha ha, karaoke has yet to make it to the list of illegal narcotics of the world... and yet in my normal state of mind I would never even think of singing (terribly out of key) "Daydream Believer" at 1:30 in the morning =P... as much as I may like the song... I'm not a Monkey ha ha
So yeah, anyway, after than we wandered into the mates's brothers room, and watched the end of the first Harry Potter movie. While the other two nit picked it to pieces (me being part of the 3% of the world who hasn't read the book(s)) I tended to just complain about how much of a douche bag some of the characters were... they totally got it for not going AROUND that damn chess board... OH and that BLOODY "power of love" ending.... urgh... those endings really urk me........ *reads back on last paragraph* ... really... I claim temporary insanity lol.
So yeah, I came home, shower change of clothes and off to work. Work is work... you know how it goes... unless you don't... in which case... please... take me with you to your mystical workless land of wonder and amazement =D...
Oh then i came home and guess what... Harry Potter was on TV O.O omg... it's only been on for the last 4 weeks but I really wasn't expecting it, I think probably due to the fact that I thought it was Sunday (I don't usually work on Saturdays... but hey ANZAC day works in mysteeeeeerious ways)...
So I watched that... trying not to scoff too much at their seriously sub standard acting skills and terrible hair styles... Hermione was a plus though I've gotta say =P Emma Watson is rather cute lol (and I hear she's got a thing going with Playboy now =D... or at least was offered a thing... NOT THAT KIND OF THING.... sicko >.>.....). I just have a serious beef with the stupidity of Harry and Ron... which in effect is also the reason why Severous Snape is one of my favorite characters... barring his weird ass hair lol. (I'm a total hair freak I know =P)... well + his name is "Severous"... it's a good name... HE DIES IN SWEENEY O.O... but he was killed by Johnny... as awesome as his name may be... he can't beat Johnny ha ha.
After that Little Nicky was on... I havn't seen that movie in AGES, but I'm always up for a good Adam Sandler flick ha ha. The random humor is always fun... and it contained a tiny snippet of Spanish ha ha WOO!!!
that brings us to around now. I have to work tomorrow too, for 4 WHOLE hours... wow thats way too long to be doing homework as well >.>...... right?I mean geez, there are only 20 other hours in the day which I intend to fill with sleeping, lead up to work, wind down from work and more sleep... yep... it's all planned out already... guess I'll have to fit that pesky homework in somewhere else... shame =P.
Ya know I really feel like watching Cowboy Bebop again, which is strange since I pretty much just finished it... it's been on my mind a little recently, I miss it already, they should have made a second.... I have the movie O.O I haven't seen it yet =D BRILLIANT!!! I've been listening to the OST tonight so yeah, it's buzzing around my mind, such an excellent one at that. Think I'll look up some fan fiction too, I read a really good one by Emma (aka
my_fool_took) tonight.
I believe thats all from me for now.
Cya later space cowboy.