Hmmm, I haven't updated in ages! The mad rush of assessment does that to ya. Things just seem to be going along as per usual, which I suppose isn't necessarily a bad thing. It is extremely reassuring to know that things will probably continue as they always do but at the same time, life seems to only be getting more boring. I really hope I can get all my work done this holidays but I need to be careful not to overwork myself so much. I am way too tired lately.
Last week we saw
The World's Fastest Indian at the cinemas in Manuka. I've never been to Manuka much before, it's a nice place despite coming across as a bit snobbish. Afterwards, we had hot chocolate. At the moment, I feel like I live for hot chocolate. The guy who served us was hella cute and the hot chocolates came with nougat! I ran into an old teacher, he asked what I was up to and I only needed to say that I go to Copland with that tired look on my face for him to work out "You do IB don't you?" Apparently his son did IB at Narrabundah and survived. Comforting. Tom generously gave us all lifts home, stopping on the way for me to roll down the hill at Regatta Point while everyone else just stood by and admired the Captain Cook monument. Dispersing study with outings like these make tests easily bearable.
On Saturday I ended up back at school to do a whole day First Aid course, which I passed. HUZZAH! Well I hope I passed: the booklets still remain to be marked. I ended up just walking around the school with random people who I never talk to today. I think it was just my way of recovering from the humiliation of trying to play futsal. Vinh talked me into joining the team. Why do I listen to him? I guess I just don't see much point in disagreeing with someone who suggests something, humiliating though it is, as interesting as a lunch hour of doing something active.
Oh and I got a account recently. It's at for anybody who cares. Based on its recommendations I've been listening to a lot of alternative electronic music lately. Also, I've updated my LJ layout. I reckon it looks pretty sexy but the colour blue does that to me.
Last day of school tomorrow. Thankfully it has finally come. I'm going to be playing my trombone at the folk festival! I loved it last year. Mum has finally decided it is time for my trombone to be serviced too, which is excellent because rubber-bands just do not cut it when it comes to spit-valves. I'm sure I'll find the time to update in the holidays, but until then, the best of luck to everyone.