Aug 18, 2008 20:44
I am very happy, as I usually am.
Sometimes, I like to share why with other people. BECAUSE, sometimes if you see others smiling, it can catch ya like a yawn.
I want happiness for everyone.
1! I got to see my family. I had a really amazing conversation with both of my nan's, and finally told my (mum-like) nan all the lovely feelings I have been bottling up, about how she is my mum. AND I love her. We cried. Crying is sometimes the happiest of things.
2@ Nan played scrabble twice a day with me, and we watched tons of Law and Order, and we dorked out. It was awesome!
3 Chris left for home in the UK, and I love that mister.... and I will see him again soon. Because time is never to far away....
4$ I got to ride a really nice extra long train ride. I feel it was a moving and inspiring adventure, because I met all these wonderful people. And we watched sun falls, sun rise, and seen the orangest moon ever. These people, they inspire me.
5% One of those young gentle lad's introduced me to "Mundy," and I can't believe I lived so long without him. Mundy you rock my pretty little head...
6^ I got to see my aunty, and sometime I get sad cause she doesnt always feel so well, but I saw her and THIS time she looked oh so healthy. I hope to know her a long long time because she is amazing.
7& I travelled the NW and Southern Utah/Arizona/Vegas with my Mister and we had a blast. I loved the Red Wood Forest, the sand dunes, the beaches along the 101 in Oregon, San Fran gay pride (I cried a lot, because of all the cute men couples... little old me, awww.) ALSO nothing will ever compare to the Grand Canyon, except maybe Christopher's smile.
8* I have these great encounters with Buddha everyday.
9( I think its mystical that scientists ACTUALLY DONT know why humans yawn. How can you not be happy to learn something so quizical as that?!
Currently listening :
24 Star Hotel
By Mundy
Release date: 2003-08-11