Dec 01, 2005 23:38
Since September I found myself saying "I can't wait for college" and now I'm pretty much dreading it.
Today I almost finished up my college essay. I went to show it to Mrs. Wyatt, my Guidence lady and she pretty much almost cried when she read it. And she told me she was going to use it next year as examples. So yeah, I was happy about that, until she told me that there was this really good program for me at URI and I can pretty much get a lot of scholarship money for it, and not have to pay anything back. Yeah I know that sounds so great.. but totally not. I would also have to spend 6weeks in the summer living there and taking classes.. which is pretty gay. Plus my plan from day 1 of talking about college has been RIC.
My reasons why I wanna go to RIC:
1. Close to home
2. I want to be a teacher, it's known for that
3. My boyfriend and Best friend go there
4. I may not beable to drive till the middle of the year, so atleast I'll be with two people who can help me out with that
5. It's not some huge party school
6. It's smaller, and I like small schools
But at the same time theres like three reasons I guess URI could be okay..
1. I'll get free money to go there
2. I do like there dorm room's and campus a lot better
3. A lot of parties, which could be either good or bad
SO yeah. RIC is my choice, but as of right now I don't really have a choice. My mom pretty much says which ever school gives me the most money, I'll go there. I'm hoping RIC will help me out with money.. cause if it's not that bad, then I can go. Ahh I don't know. This whole college thing is so stressful. I don't want to be 50 minutes away from home, or my boyfriend, or my best friend. Ugh. I'm so upset about this.