(no subject)

Sep 18, 2007 16:56

It's a nice place, this station, if a bit overwhelming.

And everyone's gone, now. They've gone to pursue their own lives. Off teaching or going to school or doing who-knows-what in ... what was it, New York? I see Gabe and Savvy in the Nexus sometimes, but I haven't heard from Allen or Alice in a while, now. Kinda miss them. No idea what's happened to Dominic and Clair has ... vanished. Last I heard she was in a medlab somewhere, but without the web, I don't know where, and these Gallifreyans aren't very informative.

Yeah. The web's gone. Z's gone. Might as well face that. I can still hear Gabe, but that's it.

So now what? Go home? I don't think I can do that. It's like those movies, you know. Where someone ends up yanked out of their ordinary life and goes on some huge life-changing adventure and then ... returns to their own world at the end. The writers just expect the audience to believe they can just pick up the old life where they left off, maybe being "better people" or "more enlightened" or something, but still back to business as usual.

Doesn't work that way. I can't even think about going home. I'm sure someone here could find the exact place I left, but ... I can't do it. I can't go back to filing exhibits and life as usual knowing what I know. Besides, some other branch of the Shop might find out I'm not as dead as they think I am and the whole mess would just start all over again, only this time with no Z. So home's out of the question. And I can't stay here. I'm no Gallifreyan, and this place is giving me headaches. If it's not full of incomprehensibly old things, then everything resonates with numbers. The guy who owns the place, whatsisname, said it was because that's how it was built. Numbers that affect reality. Though he wasn't insulted when I said I needed to leave. Even started fretting about my sanity. Nice guy.

So now what?

Gabe invited me to stay in his home, near that school he part-time teaches at. Guess a place with access to fresh air'd be a nice change. I dunno, I think I'd feel like some kind of leech, but on the other hand, I don't think I can live alone any more. I've gotten too used to people around all the time. People nearby, people in my head.

Well, at any rate, time to pack all this stuff. Again.
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