sunny_delite. Same player, new journal!))
[Name:] Ron DeLite
[Age:] 29
[Gender:] Yes, still male
[Marital Status:] Yes, still married
[Sexuality:] Yes, still heterosexual
[Occupation:] An Attorney
Desirée Delite (or "Dessie"): His dearest, sweetheart wife. They fell in love when he saved her from some robbers holding her hostage at her workplace 6-7 years ago, and they got married only a month later. He dotes on her and is a deeply devoted and loyal husband, sometimes to an absurd extent -- he won't tolerate any offenses towards his wife, lashing out at those who speak of her rudely. He has, however, learned Desirée can hold her own and doesn't always need her knight in shining armour to come rushing in. She can do no wrong in his eyes and greatly values her thoughts and feelings. He spoils her silly, buying her everything she wants and doing whatever it takes to be able to afford her shopaholic ways. Fortunately, he's also learned that it's all right to say "no" to her sometimes, though he hates having to do it.
Mr. & Mrs. DeLite: His father is from Champagne, France, and was an engineer before he retired. A strong advocate of men doing manly things, he never approved of Ron's meek ways and feminine hobbies. He often accused Ron of being gay. A large reason why Ron became a security guard was to make his father proud. His mother, a dominant matriarch, didn't mind Ron as much -- she always wanted a daughter! Ron doesn't have much contact with them.
Sawyer "The Saw" DeLite: His older brother. A physical education teacher at a rural high school in Boise, Idaho. Hasn't spoken with his father in seven years after having a fight over dropping out of college. Divorced with one child. In his high school years, he was a respected athlete, and earned his nickname for his ability to plow through linebackers in football.
Danny DeLite: His younger brother. An avid hitchhiker who lived in Saskatchewan for a while, working at a gas station before returning to L.A. to pursue his dream of becoming a radio DJ. He now lives with his parents, playing online games and producing podcasts no one listens to. A big fan of Lego. Much like Sawyer, he was once an excellent athlete, but his muscles have since atrophied and is rather underweight.
Diego Armando: Arguably his closest friend. When Diego was in prison, Ron used his job as a security advisor to help sneak in a few helpful things -- some of which saved Diego's life. Ron has a deep admiration for him, which is a given considering how much manlier, cooler and heroic Diego is. Despite their radically different personalities, they share a romantic view of life that helps them click. Ron's not sure what benefits Diego gets from being his friend, but he's received a lot of helpful advice from Diego over the years. Some of the former attorney-prosecutor's behaviour and lines have even rubbed off onto him.
Miles Edgeworth: Another person one wouldn't expect to be friends with Ron. They first connected when Ron found out just how far the prosecutor's love for Steel Samurai goes. Later on, Ron was saved just in time when he had a confrontation with Matt Engarde at prison thanks to a phone call Miles made to the guards. Miles impresses Ron in many ways (though the same can't be said for vice versa) -- he's smart, successful, cultured and dignified. In addition to Diego, Ron likes to get advice from Miles as well. Miles's disapproval of his criminal past -- and him in general -- never deterred Ron from being cordial towards the prosecutor, whose heart grew 1/16th its size thanks to the former criminal's stubborn kindness.
[Enemies:] No one at all! Ron is a rather agreeable man and rarely harbours any strong negative feelings for anyone...unless they offend Desirée, and everyone who's done so (Atmey and Engarde) are now DEAD. Let that be a warning to you all.
Phoenix Wright: Ron does not get involved with Phoenix as much as he does with Diego and Miles. They first met when Phoenix defended him in 3-2 and managed to find him not guilty of all the crimes he was accused of (even being Mask*deMasque, which Ron WAS guilty of). Though Phoenix is no longer a lawyer, Ron still looks upon him with big, sparkling eyes. To Ron, Phoenix is sort of a legend, and the legend was exactly what made Ron consider becoming an attorney (this is covered in the background section).
Marvin Grossberg: Ron doesn't know anything about Grossberg, asides from 1. he's an attorney with his own law firm! and 2. he taught Diego everything he knows! These two points are enough to make Ron consider working for him.
Kristoph Gavin: They met very briefly at Edgeworth's masqeurade birthday party some years back. Any attorney is A-OK to Ron!
Wendy Oldbag: The two worked together at KB Security for a while. He found Oldbag to be a charming lady, and he wonders what she's doing now...hoping she isn't dead.
Apollo Justice: Apollo and Ron attended the same law school. They didn't have much contact with each other, but Apollo was a great student -- at such a young age, too! -- so there was some intellectual attraction going on there. He envies Apollo's chords of steel.
[General personality:] At first glance, Ron is ultimately a forgettable, unimpressive man with a severe lack of presence. He's shy, polite, keeps to himself and looks about as aggressive as a lamb. So it's amazing how loud and shrill he can be when he's upset -- and he is easy to upset. There's a temper within him he can't control at times that causes him to demand the attention and respect he wants when he's feeling ignored. Any outward display of assertiveness is quickly squashed, as he'll immediately backpedal, shrinking back and mumbling softly to himself as he wonders if he's in the right. Many are irritated by his tendency to trail off in volume so much, you can't hear the end of his sentences sometimes. When he's not being insecure and constantly second-guessing himself, he's friendly and courteous. Ignore him or make an offensive remark about his wife, though, and his objection will be heard.
Because Ron grew up with such a weak, pathetic view of himself (and it's not all that unjustified), he latches onto strong figures. He's been hero worshipping since he was a youngster -- or rather, who he really admired were villains and antagonists, because they were daring, cooler, and more mysterious. It didn't matter if they did bad deeds and caused havoc. All he really cares about is the image. Even better if they wear a mask. There's something terribly romantic and intriguing about having a secret identify that Ron can't get enough of.
His year-long stint as a phantom thief called Mask*deMasque is one of his proudest achievements in life. Putting on that mask and being able to transform himself into a persona that actually attracted fans is something he doesn't hesitate to beam about. Mask*deMasque was his greatest masterpiece; a result of hardwork and research.
Over the years, he's overcome some of his low self-esteem, recognizing a few of the strengths he does possess. His greatest strength is how whatever he does, he does it with gusto; nothing is ever done half-assed when it comes to him. He is zealous with his endeavours, whether it's being a good husband, being a good phantom thief, or proving himself guilty in court. Whatever he does, he does it with endearing passion. As Desirée puts it, he may appear unreliable, but when sets out to do something he does it well.
When talking to him, it's clear he's a little off with his thinking. It's not that he's stupid (though he could work on his emotional intelligence); he simply has a different outlook on things -- his train of thought wanders off into tracks people didn't even know existed. He's not eccentric in that he believes he's a glass of orange juice, but rather he'd take the man who believes himself to be a glass of orange juice out for lunch.
According to his wife, he has a tendency to get caught up in his fantasies and become delusional, though we have yet to see that side of him.
His murder trial ordeal, confrontation with Engarde, and friendships with strong men have helped him grow some backbone.
[Appearance:] He's nearly 30, but he could still pass for a lovely lady in her early twenties. His hair is still curled into two neat buns he believes to be masculine (they're ramhorns! Like Diego said!). The only significant change is his attire, now that he's An Attorney. He wears a white collared shirt, black vest with matching black trousers, and a green tie with yellow stripes tied in a half-windsor knot.
[Background:] Ron has always been rather invisible to the world. No one he went to high school with remembers him (save for his counselor, a fine man who taught him how to yell to get people's attention). He was a good student and behaved himself -- nothing remarkable. Upon graduating, in order to impress his father who was disappointed in Ron as a man, he went against everyone's expectations and became a security guard (everyone who knew him thought he'd choose a safer, girlier career). He eventually became head of security at KB Security, and on one fateful night, saved a beautiful woman named Desirée from some armed robbers. He and Desirée soon married. What he wasn't prepared for was a major financial crisis caused by his wife's love of material goods combined with his fear of letting her down. He resorted to selling company secrets for money, and was fired. He then had no choice but to secretly become the mysterious phantom thief, Mask*deMasque, to support his shopaholic spouse's spending ways.
One Phoenix Wright: Trials & Tribulations case later...
Phoenix's disbarment came as a shock to Ron, who has faith that the man who once saved his life is completely innocent. Worst of all is Phoenix's change in personality -- acting apathetic and distant, making crude jokes about his girlfriend, losing his passion for the law. Ron knew what he had to do: save Phoenix. He wasn't sure how he was going to do it, but he figured following in Phoenix's footsteps and becoming a criminal defense attorney was a hop in the right direction.
Taking out a student loan, he entered law school. His condo soon filled up with thick textbooks on law, novels about lawyers, DVDs of law-related movies; he endlessly studied trial tapes, he made a scale model of a courtroom, he practiced his "objection"s. One year later, Desirée found out. He hadn't told her out of fear of failing and letting her down, but of course, Desirée was understanding and told him she'd be proud of him whether he made it or not.
After five years of schooling, he took the bar exam and passed (he maybe kinda sorta cheated just a little bit, but he'd tell you it was okay for him to cheat -- he only got 3 hours of sleep due to nerves and the cheating was to make up for lack of brain power). Now he's ready to go find a firm to work for. He can't wait to have his first trial. Though not quite an ace attorney, Ron has one advantageous tool that no other current lawyer has: a criminal mind. And though he won't go so far as break the law to win a case, his ability to get inside a criminal's head should lead him to victory. ...Maybe.