[ ooc; contact and crit post ]

Jan 01, 2025 00:01

[ If you need to reach me for any plotting, commenting, opinion or just chatting, my contact info is as follows. ]

aim; OrchidCrescent [ please mention where you're from, or I wont answer! I get spammed a lot. :3 If I don't reply when I'm on away, I'll get back to you as soon as I can! ]
e-mail; shahnida [@] gmail [.] com
personal lj; shahni

Or comment to this post, and let me know what I can do for you for the rp or otherwise! :3


critique, comments, plotting;

All critique/comments/plotting for Edgeworth goes here. Too much baww? Character doing something that needs to be clarified? Let me know so I can fix it! IP logging is off ♥

Or just use this as a comment-board. I'd love to plot and such as well ♥

Thank you!

ooc; contact, ooc; critique, ooc; comments

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