(no subject)

Apr 26, 2012 18:24

Finally bit the bullet and went to my primary doctor.
Its been about two years, and my health has been so-so at best.

The weight has stayed off, so there is a big plus.
Regardless of anything else, this means that my mobility issues (see: foot that perpetually turns outward with limping) have decreased exponentially.

At the doctor, I asked him for something that I never ever thought that I would ask a doctor for: antidepressants.

He asked some questions, went over it with me, and gave me a script for Wellbutrin.

Because I am really tired of self medicating
(see: alcoholism)
with the exception of marijuana, because that actually helps
(see: when NYS finally jumps on the medical bandwagon, I will be first in line).

I also explained this to the doctor, being as honest as possible given the short amount of time that we had together.

He's a good doctor. I started seeing him when I had Medicaid, because he accepted it. His office is in the same building as AIDS Community Services, and he sees a lot of people with addiction issues. It also happens to be a LGBT related practice, with the intake form asking those types of questions, as well. Which makes me feel comfortable.

He wants to see me again in a month, and continuously monitor and blah blah blah.

My hopes is that this helps with the agoraphobia, the anxiety, the suicidal ideation...to the point where it stops effecting my life. Where I can get on with my life, go outside and play, be social again, have friends again, maybe accomplish something academically.

That would be nice.
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