I love Hippies

Feb 01, 2012 22:27

Hung out with Dan R. last night. It was really great, as he was my favorite past roommate, and one of my best friends ever.

Being in a relationship for almost four years had me forgetting that I had such good friends, and that I genuinely miss their company.

Lost 25 lbs. Gained some self esteem. Cut off my hair, to the length that was always most comfortable. New glasses. New jeans. Feeling good about myself again, for the first time in a long time.

So Dan R. and I went to his friend Josh's house over on the East Side. This kid is a super hippie, talking about energy, with that dazed hippie accent that is utterly recognizable. Really good guy, actually.

So he has this house, that he bought two years ago. And the whole experience made me feel a whole hell of a lot better about the state of my own house, and a whole heck of a lot more confident about moving forward with things. Because really, and literally, I have been freaking the fuck out about it since Steve left.

Josh has, over a two year span, taken the house down to the studs. So there's nothing there except the flooring, the exterior walls, the studs, and the windows that he's installed.

Me: Do you have running water?
Him: What kind of water?


So we helped him tack down all of the electrical wiring that he's run through the house, and it wasn't just a learning experience, but also an inspirational one.

Today, I painted the upstairs hallway. Its pink...pinker than I thought it was going to be, but once it settles, it will look better. It actually doesn't look bad, just not quite what I'd expected.

Two weeks ago, Andy and I finished painting my kitchen cabinets.
As soon as I can get out to Lowe's, I'm going to get a new bathroom sink cabinet, because the one in there is rotting out. So that's to come.

And more projects. The wheels are turning. Taxes are coming soon. I feel a lot better about everything.
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