Welcome to Challenge 122 - Salt Cellars
Can't believe I didn't think of iconing these earlier. They are the perfect size for icons. I used to get these for my Mother whenever I ran across one at a garage sale or antique store. They are varied and beautiful and most of the salt cellars I got my Mom are made of glass. In the past salt cellars were used at individual place settings on the table. Such a great idea. No passing the salt.
I've supplied quite a few images, but if you have your own salt cellar images you are free to use them.
Also, this challenge is going to last a few days longer than usual because I have company this week and then I'm going to Comic Con and won't be back till the 18th.
Happy iconing!
+ You may enter up to 4 icons
+ Use these images or your own.
+ You may mix the images
+ You may use any brushes, textures, text, etc. you like.
+ Your icons should meet LJ standards. Not more than 100x100 pixels and no more than 40k.
+ Your icons should be new for this challenge. Please DO NOT use old icons.
+ Please do not post your icon anywhere until voting is over and the winners have been announced.
+ No animation
Please post your icons in a comment like this:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v162/phennec/Icons/redumb_2chairs.png Entries are due Thursday evening, July 19th 26th at 9:00 PM CST or until I get voting posted.
The World Clock Comments are screened.
Thanks everyone! :)