Tickets & Surgery

Dec 17, 2004 13:20

So, yesterday, my grandfather went into surgery. Everything went well, as you should know since I sent e-mails out again. Surgery sucks, but thank God everything turned out well. He seems fine - he was up and moving around this morning when he came home. Well, so, I was on my way home and I'm driving in New York. I'm not too sure what I'm doing, so, I'm driving kind of slow. Then, I decide to speed up because everyone's passing me. I speed up to 75 and everyone's still speeding on by me in my "slow" car. So, I speed up just a little bit more and a couple of miles down the road, I see a cop get onto the road. I slow down and get into the slow lane because I figure that he's going to pull over the person in front of me who is quickly retreating out of my vision. Unfortunately, the cop follows me into my lane and puts on his lights. I pull over and try to be as calm as possible. He comes up to my window and I'm polite and give him my license and registration. He writes me a ticket anyways. This is my first ticket EVER, so, I am extremely nervous about how my dad will react. I call my mom to say my good-byes because I know I'm as good as dead as soon as I pull into the driveway. She laughs at me and says "hasn't he gotten tickets before? he won't be mad sweetie. you learned something right?" and so, I agree. I calm down a little bit and reduce speed to 70 for the remaining 2 hours of my trip. Everyone continues to speed on by making cute little hand gestures at me and I retaliate by pulling into the fast lane and going about 65 and speeding up with any attempt to pass me on the right. Whatever. So, I get home, unpack, and hop on the computer to check my e-mail - my dad is not home yet. I put the ticket on the counter. When he walks in the door, he looks at the counter and says "Hey, what's this on the counter" and I said "Daddy, I got pulled over" and he just GOES OFF - like a freaking rocket preparing to go 3 galaxies over. Screaming and yelling about how if I'm driving his car - which he gave to me - and he's paying for insurance - of which I pay half for - I should not be getting tickets. And I said "But daddy, it's my first ticket ever" and he yells back "First Fucking ticket - you've been driving a fucking year, don't give me that, you should have no fucking tickets until you can pay for your own fucking car and insurance." So, I stand there shocked and take his heavy criticisms until he rudely points at the door, informing me that my prescence in the house is no longer wanted. I just go upstairs. Yesterday, when we were at the hospital for my grandfather's surgery, I ordered a salad and couldn't eat it all at once, so I close it with the intention to finish eating it later. He makes a big deal about that too. Has to tell everyone he sees about it. Oh, and yells at me in the hospital cafeteria so that everyone knows what a horrible child I am because I can't finish my salad. Whatever.

Meanwhile, my cousins are all popping out babies before they're ready to fork over enough money to afford a child, a place to live, or even an engagement ring. But, of course, I'm the bad child. I'm the one that deserves to be yelled at. I'm only one of two relatives to go to college and make it through the first semester. I wish he knew how lucky he is with me. Just wait till Lauren comes around. He'll be in for it. But then again, I will be too because I'll be the kid away from home who isn't keeping her out of trouble. Whatever. This week has been stressful. I can't take it anymore. I wanna go back to school.
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